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Comment GM vs Tesla terms of service (Score 1) 382

I think this all boils down to terms of service. I suspect that Mr Musk's terms of service are so "bad" that they can claim anything while a "real" car company like GM is really trying to solve the problem not just be first to market with a beta product. After the many lawsuits against GM over many years, I think their culture is very different in Detroit than Tesla's.

Comment Drain the Swamp (Score 0) 99

I wouldn't be surprised if the "Establishment" is funding/encouraging these hacks. I have no proof, just vague motive, so that makes me equal with AP, CNN and NYT.

Seriously, it's not the CIA/NSA/MI6 types. The last thing they want to do is expose a potential exploit. So it's probably scum bags from Rostov.

Comment Is science listed in the constitution? (Score 0) 405

Sorry folks, the constitution is still important and nowhere does it state the that the executive branch should promote science and education. Federalism leaves those kind of things to anybody else but not the federal government. Why would you look to the federal government for science, education or even healthcare?

Comment I know I want a twitter bot army (Score 1) 91

It's a vanity thing, but I want to "command" a bunch of fake followers to drive fake news and generally screw with certain people. I'm not willing to pay much for the privilege but it would be fun for about 2 days and then I go back not giving a F about twitter. So, yeah, it's best to just rent.

Comment Fair means you're about to be screwed (Score 1) 290

Whenever I hear anybody talk about fair share or fair price or even common sense laws/pricing I know it's time to run for the hills because I'm going to be screwed.

The entire concept is a straw man argument. The assumption is that some mythical entity can afford to pay or not pay some price and that the company making the offer can somehow recoup their costs because they are overcharging some other mythical entity. No proof is given to justify the equation except, perhaps, anecdotal evidence that there are entities that can't/won't pay the asking price.

It's SOP that this scheme is only applied to intangible items because nobody would buy such an idea for something tangible like a car or a house or even a bag of groceries. Art, education, entertainment and computer software and always included in this scheme.

Fair == bullshit scammer

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