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Comment Re:Video is mostly factually correct (Score 1) 188

Well again, it would be easier to disregard that argument if so many of the people who are anti-Islam weren't racists.

That is completely false. Most of the opponents of the *ideology* of Islam are not racist in any way. The are proponents of liberty for all men. The problem is that Islamists slander these liberty defenders as racist (which is completely counter-factual), the mainstream media repeat this slander, and unfortunately moral people (which probably includes yourself) believe the slander rather than independently checking what the counter-jihadis have to say. Counter-jihadis like Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer are routinely slandered as racist yet nothing could be further than the truth. They repeatedly say they have no problem with Muslims, they do have a problem with the evil ideology called Islam. If only people like yourself would listen to what the jihadis were saying (that the Qur'an is the motivation for their terrorism), what the counter-jihadis were saying (liberty for all, and Islam is diametrically opposed to Enlightenment/secular humanist values).

Political correctness only requires that you be explicit about which elements of Islam you're talking about.

False again. Political correctness requires you be "nice" and "not offend anyone". You cannot speak *Truth* in case some hyper-sensitive Islamist gets offended by such truth (note: Islamic Law defines slander as something a Muslim does not want to hear - even if completely true). Political correctness is all about not speaking the plain truth, and there is no right to offend. In this way Political Correctness is the antithesis of Free Speech. One cannot support Political Correctness and Free Speech - they are in opposition. I choose to support liberty for all men and Free Speech, Equality for Women, Freedom of conscience, Equality of all races, Homosexual rights, animal rights, protection of minors, etc. That's why I try and make a case against Islam, Political Correctness, and the swathes of the Political Left and Right that support these and oppose Liberty. So don't call us proponents of liberty racists, it just shows you don't understand what we are talking about and what we fighting against. :)

Comment Re:Video is mostly factually correct (Score 1) 188

You are living in the bubble of dhimmi-wannabees.

The way you use that word shows you don't really understand it at all.

The problem with that list is that it is basically any attack that a muslim has any sort of involvement in. You could make a similar list of attacks by christians around the world, doesn't mean they are doing it because they are christian.

Could you? you really think that? what a load of bullshit. Plus, there is a fundamental difference. Islam specifically comments all able bodied men to wage jihad on unbelievers. Of course, since you have read the Qur'an you will realise verses like Sura 9:5 abrogate all the peaceful verses and command this. This is *mainstream* Muslim doctrine. Perhaps you haven't ever read the Qur'an and hadiths and don't realise just how evil they are. Rather than acknowledge you are ignorant about the subject you spew insults that opponents of the *ideology* of Islam are 'loons'. Rather than be a dick perhaps you should actually read the Qur'an for yourself. No sane non-dhimmi would ever defend it. Either you are complicit or you are an idiot to defend the indefensible evil. You then proceed to dismiss facts (eg. the massive attack statistics where the jihadis say they are motivated by Qur'anic teachings, but your apply your racist judgement and give them a pass instead of accepting the reasons they *say themselves*) . How about you get a clue and stop excusing evil. You are being a dhimmi and it is undignified and shameful. Stand up for liberty of all people - oppose the evil ideology that is Islam (instead of making excuses for it). Oh yeah, and please do some objective research.

Comment Re:Video is mostly factually correct (Score 1) 188

I understand your point of view but it is two decades out of date. The Left is not for individual liberties or Free Speech. Look at how the Left demonize anyone with any dissenting view. Example: If you believe in global warming (undeniable) but are still skeptical/researching its cause (whether the most significant cause is anthropomorphic or not) then you will shot down in flames. If you criticize Islam (an ideology) you are shot down as a racist (its a non-sequiteur, that that doesn't matter to the Left). Yes, the Right are bad, as you say. I agree. It turns out that the Libertarians are the ones promoting individual liberties. Yes, they are not perfect, and their economic programme may be too lassiez faire - but it is all moot if the Left and Right don't act to stop the creeping Sharia and its enabler, Political Correctness, that is eroding Free Society.

Comment Re:Video is mostly factually correct (Score 1) 188

Ah, one of the great dhimmi-wannabe sites.

Actually quite the opposite. What I pointed to is a daily list of fatal attacks. These are *facts*. It must be nice for you to live in a cocoon where you don't to examine *facts* and statistics and instead throw around perjoratives like 'loon' with no basis in fact. You sir, are the enemy for Freedom. Look at the facts/statistics goddamit !

"Muslims want self-determination, but not an American-imposed and defined democracy. They don't want secularism or theocracy," said the professor of Islamic Studies at Georgetown University in Washington.

More Leftists bollocks. Remember, the BBC has fallen greatly and is no longer an impartial source. How about you cross-check multiple independent sources as a proper researched would do. Then you would encounter survey results like these:
Well, they already have that with 87 Sharia courts already operating in the UK. It is quite possible that these courts will be extended to non-Muslims in the future when they have disputes with Muslims. This has already happened in numerous states in the US, where the Constitution has already given way to Sharia in several court cases. Google is your friend if you want to find the truth.

So stop being lazy and use the Scientific Method - cross-check the *facts*.

Comment Re:Video is mostly factually correct (Score 1) 188

Your counter facts, please. Otherwise you could look at some of the references I supplied and get a clue at what I was trying to say :) That link, http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/index.html#Attacks ought to clue you in to the reality of Islam a fair bit. The Obama Administration is deluded by the Leftist "narrative" of cultural equivalence and that "moderate" Islamists can be supported and "extremists" sidelined.

The *facts* are that the mainstream of Islam approves and supports jihad and global Sharia (Google for the surveys). Negotiation and appeasement won't work. This is a fight to the death between the supporters of Enlightenment values and the Islamists.

I suggest you do the research yourself. Look at the agenda of the OIC (Stephen Coughlin's videos on YouTube are simply the best explanation). Read the Qur'an and hadiths - they would be condemned as an ideology of utter hate speech if they weren't cloaked in a fig leaf of plagiarized superstitious mumbo-jumbo. Check the *facts* rather than just going by what you think you know. That's all I ask.

Comment Re:Video is mostly factually correct (Score 1) 188

What facts do you have to oppose this? What is known about Benghazi is that Ambassador Stevens was closely working with groups against (monstrous) Gaddafi who had given up his WMD programme, was still a brute, but was fighting Al Qaeda in the Maghreb. The US organized for weapons to go to the rebels in Libya. Note that Benghazi as a city has supplied Al Qaeda with more homicide bombers than any other city in the World. The Benghazi embassy was organizing to ship ex-Libyan weapons to the Syrian Sunni rebels through Turkey. The attack on the embassy was watched by US drones in real time and the President and Secretary of State did nothing. What they did do is deflect their undercover activities with a bogus story about the Innocence of Muslims video (and even though factual and under the First Amendment rights of the producer they worked to suppress it). The Obama Administration is petrified that the truth about Benghazi gun running comes out. They believe they can arm Muslim "moderates" but the thing is Muslims may be moderate but the ideology of Islam is never moderate (so said Erdogan, the Turkish Prime Minister).

So, your facts and references please. Yes, it sounds incredible that a US Administration would do this - but that is what they did. Unfortunately some Al Qaeda militias went and ruined their plan. The Obama Administration's foreign policy is coming apart at the seams (although the complicit mainstream media tries to deflect it as much as they can). The reason it is coming apart is because reality is catching up with them. Obama thought the US was bad and the cause of the troubles of the Middle East and by promoting "moderates" he could suppress the dangerous Salafis. This was completely delusional - but the Left has always acted on ideology and theory rather than look at actual reality and facts.

There is a great deal more to tell. I won't bother starting with it unless you are actually interested and have an open mind (in which case I'd be happy to point you in the correct direction). Some people do have an open mind and can see the *facts* I'm trying to relay - that's why they kindly gave me +5.

So, your counter evidence, pretty please :)

Comment Re:Video is mostly factually correct (Score 1) 188

You give the solution in the post. The Free World needs to enact laws that essentially state the following:

  • All citizens are subject to the same laws (no exceptions!), and
  • Citizens are only subject to national laws (no foreign laws).

These conditions prohibit the application of Sharia in the West. This is the most substantial part of what needs to be done. The last thing to do is to enforce the existing local laws. That means you don't let Muslim rapists off "because they didn't know" (as happened very recently in Britain), or let Muslims terrorize the media and populace when those people exercise Free Speech rights that are critical of Islam (just as they are free to be critical of every ideology and religion).

Hey fella, you know the Soviet Union died back in 1990 right? The Cold War's over. We've been drinking the authoritarian right kool-aid for quite some time now.

The Soviet Union did spread its ideology to the West (eg. funded many Leftist groups, particularly in academia). While the Soviet Union did collapse much of its points of view are now very fashionable amongst the political elites and academic institutions. The Left is all about equality. That sounds good in theory but in practice it is totally against individual initiative, entrepreneurship, individualism and unorthodox thinking. Equality trumps everything else. The left believe that "discrimination" in any form is a problem - but discrimination is required for discernment. Without discernment everything is equivalent, there is no good and evil, everything is relative. There is no superiority of the Free World over barbaric and inhumane practices because cultural relativity says they are equivalent. Hence, there is no reason to oppose evil in the World because one man's evil is another man's good. This is complete bullshit and is this is why strong and aggressive Islamists (eg barbarians) are able to agitate and bend the West to their will. The Leftist agenda lacks the moral clarity to analyze and oppose the Islamist agenda. In fact, the Left is so determined not to pass discernment/discrimination that they actively aid and abet the Islamists. The Left choose to ignore what the Islamists have been saying for 1400 years - that the Islamist goal is not mutual tolerance but the goal of Islam is to dominate the entire World, sooner or later.

Even worse than the lack of discernment by the Left is their rapid suppression of any dissenting views. They also are completely for conformity to their views and shut down any opposing views, even it factual, through personal attacks (eg. slandering Geert Wilders and the EDL as if they were decendants of Nazis and the KKK, when their agenda is defending individual liberties exactly as the original Left did). The new Left supports the collective over individual rights. The funniest thing is that the new Left basically have the same goals and tactics as the old political Right. It is the new Right (eg. libertarians) who believe in dissenting views, morality over equality and individual rights and the new Left opposes it. Black has become white and white has become black in our crazy world. We also get what used to be the bastion of liberty (the US) no longer promoting liberty but installing and defending opponents of liberty (Islamists, such as the Muslim Brotherhood). The political Left are also much more ideologues (who ignore facts and realpolitik) than the libertarians.

So, with regard to the Islamists the actions of the political Left can be described best by a quote from Winston Churchill
"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Appeasement is the policy of the Leftist political elite in the West and of the academics supporting them (and the academic and educational institutions that are inculcating our young with a Left-friendly and Islamist-friendly politically correct agenda). The whole culture of the West is being steeped in appeasement rather than standing up for liberty of all people. The political Left has been sewing the seeds of Western demise for decades. The Left means well but whatever it touches it ruins (well-meaning to support people but introducing massive state dependence instead of individual initiative, and promoting the Big State as the solution to all problems).

It's a shame, because the humanitarian problems in the region are plentiful. If it wasn't for oil, no-one would give a shit about the middle east.

Not true. Oil is part of the Leftist "narrative" and popular in belief but the real reason is that the Middle East always exports its troubles to other countries. The reason for that is the dictates of Islam - but most in the West didn't understand Islam well enough to know that until recently, all they saw was terrorism (actually jihad) affecting the West.

The cowardice of the political Left has caused many thinkers to leave it. For example may ex-lefties like Christopher Hitchens and Pat Condell are sickened by the immorality of the Left's "cultural relativism" and cowardice in the face of those who would strip us of our Enlightenment liberties. Just because you oppose the Left doesn't make you on the Right either. Libertarianism is probably closer to those that champion individual liberty without becoming slightly oppressive like the Christian Right (eg. anti-abortion, anti-homosexual, anti-contraception etc). However, the Leftist-Islamist "Red-Green" Alliance intends to be Big State totalitarian and is far far worse than the mistaken Christian Rightists. That's why it is moral to oppose the Left and stand up for liberty values.

The west doesn't give a hoot about Sharia law cutting people's hands off, or the fact that in Saudia Arabia women are forbidden from driving. It's only painted as an ideological struggle by the thick-as-pigshit servile media.

Alternative media talks about the totalitarian evil of Sharia. Mainstream media *almost never* talks about Sharia - even when Islamist crimes against humanity happen every.single.day. Unfortunately most of the victims of Islam are Muslims, but the left-leaning mainstream media is careful never to criticize (and thereby implicitly enabling the evil to continue). Watch the news, the media usually take great pains to demonize Israel and soften the message from the Islamists (and never, ever link the common cause of the Islamists acting with the same intended goal from Algeria to Indonesia). Here are some *facts* for you to digest:
Especially "The List of Fatal Islamic attacks' (a staggering 20369 attacks from 9/11): http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/index.html#Attacks

If you believe in individual liberties, Free Speech, Freedom of Conscience, Women's Rights, Homosexual Rights etc then you cannot support either Left, Right and absolutely not Islam. The only people who promote and *defend* these rights are the libertarians. I reluctantly came to this conclusion after much research.

Comment Re:It's because of the police abuse (Score -1, Flamebait) 188

Islamic democracy functions like this: One man, one vote . . . once.

Exactly! Alan Dershowitz made the same statement with regard to Hamas. If anyone is under the illusion that the Islamist agenda and secular democracy are compatible you know have two case studies for this point of view. When the "torch is passed" from wimpy suicidal democracies to Islam each man will get one vote, one time.

Does any Free Man want this? hell no! and we shouldn't accept it for our fellow global citizens in other countries. Support anyone who believes in an supports *individual liberties* and opposes the tyranny that inevitably arises from the non-individualist *collective*.

If you are in the US that means take a look at the facts of the Obama Administration. Do they support individual liberty? (no) are they supporting the (evil Islamist) Muslim Brotherhood? (yes). That Administration believes it knows better than its citizens what is good for them. It promotes the (heartless) collective at the expense of the individual. Don't believe me? Then please look at the track record of decisions. Obama certainly has pizzazz and glamor, but his policies are against the Constitutional Rights of US citizens. Yes, Obama is not alone in this, both Democrats and Republicans want Big Government at the expense of civil liberties (although the citizens are heavily taxed to pay for the Big Government and its entitlement promises). Again, support anyone who is for individual liberties - that is the only way you will revive your Republic (which has largely been scuppered, if you look at the evidence; just think of the things you cannot say in public anymore; or what border agents can do to you; or how Obama's NDAA can kill US citizens on US soil without any judicial oversight whatsoever). ps. I'm not a Republican nor a US citizen. I just see that at the time the World needed strong US leadership to promote liberty and freedom around the globe there is instead a neo-Marxist ideologue that is aiding and abetting inviting the enemies of the Free World (eg. the Muslim Brotherhood) into decision making in the White House. Unbelievable! What would be great is a strong leader in the US that would stand up and promote liberty and freedom for all global citizens around the World. Sadly, Obama is not that man. The "change" he promised appears to be a Big State that progressively strips the liberties of US citizens, and stands idly by while oppressed masses yearning for true democracy in Iran and Egypt call for at least a few words of encouragement from a US President.

Comment Re:Umm... People... (Score 1) 188

Ah, a clueless apologist - we knew you'd drop by.

If by "Egypt" you mean the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafist dominated government has every right to deny what 80 million Egyptians see then you'd be right.

If by "Egypt" you mean that the 80 million people ought to have a right to make their own minds up as to what is good and what is bad, they you most decidedly are *wrong*.

No one is arguing about Egypt's sovereign right to do this. The problem being discussed is that a small group of people are dictating what a great mass of people can and can't see. Egyptian society is going backwards and the liberties of its people are being eroded. Egypt is not headed for Enlightened democracy, it is on a path to become a hellhole of the magnitude of Saudi Arabia (or Iran). Nice one Obama! (you fskn clueless ideologue!!!111)

You cannot be for Free Speech and think that a government is doing good by censoring *all of YouTube*. So please don't be clueless. Those in the Free World are doing good by making noise about the freedoms denied to our fellow citizens. It's not because we see ourselves as superior (although our culture is superior to Islamism) but because we want the Egyptians to experience the same freedoms we have. Our lives and governments are not perfect, but they're a damn sight better than where Egypt is now, or where it is headed.

The rights of the 80 million people (well, whatever proportion have YouTube access, which is still more than most non-Egyptians think) are more important than the theocratic ideology of the Egyptian Government. No Free Man should support the blanket censorship of YouTube by a Government unless it is actually hate speech (which this video certainly wasn't; it was merely *true facts* that exposed the tyrannical warlord Mohammed for the monster he was).

So stop giving your consent to evil! Free Men must research and oppose the evil ideology called Islam.

Comment Re:Video is mostly factually correct (Score 1, Interesting) 188

Here's a recent article talking about how the US Mainstream Media (MSM) are ignoring facts (Britain's media is also particularly bad in this regard, the once impartial BBC has a horrific anti-Israel pro-Islamist bias these days, no wonder, its journalists are all graduates of Lefty-dominated Liberal Arts universities): http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/020713-643641-islamists-gagging-americans-through-religious-speech-code.htm?p=full

Political Correctness is the *enemy* of Free Speech and Liberty. Don't be fooled by the MSM ! Escape The Matrix and do your own research - the media is lying to you by omitting critical facts that don't fit their "narrative". Islam and its enabler 'political correctness' are the enemies of every free person and every Enlightenment liberty.

Comment Re:Video is mostly factually correct (Score 3, Informative) 188

Good on your for not resisting :)

I agree with you - I just didn't want to get side-tracked on the fact that none of the claims of religions are scientifically verified. Unfortunately some of the people resisting True Evil (tm) also known as "The Ideology called Islam" just happen to be hard-core Christians and Hindus. They are right about Islam, even if it is what an atheistic might consider the wrong reasons (atheists/humanists see Islam as a dire and increasing threat to liberty; other religious just claim Islam is wrong). At this stage of the game I'll accept them into my camp.

Once we defeat "The Religion of Peace" (ha, what a joke - this is such a lie as shown by the facts: http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/) then we can have reasoned debate with those with religious delusions (eg. show them the massive amount of contradictions documented in the Skeptics Annotated Bible: http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/)

At the moment most of the Free World are not aware of the 57-country Organization of Islamic Cooperation's (OIC) control of the UN (they are the largest single voting bloc, and dominate outfits like the UN Human Rights Council). The OIC claims jurisdiction over any country that has Muslims (that's right, their claim includes where you live). Since they dominate the UN HRC they are slowly but steadily making progress in implementing Islam-friendly laws. Then we have the muppets in the Free World going along with this to be 'nice' (eg. Hiliary Clinton's abject sell-out of the US First Amendment when she co-sponsored the Sharia-compliant UN HRC Resolution 16/18; disgusting behaviour for a US leader). The Muslim Brotherhood has just taken the chair of the OIC. Their plans are proceeding quite nicely and the West mostly remains asleep. A few do notice but are mostly stiffled by those with an ideological Left bent (part of the Red-Green Alliance; where the political Left support the Islamist goal of bringing down the existing international order that has maintained some semblance of international stability).

So yeah, I agree with your anti-Religious 'rant'. However, I think it is prudent to use all the Allies we can muster to defeat the rising tide of Islamism. If we stay balkanized in factions (atheists vs Christians, Catholics vs Protestants, Democrats/Progressives vs Republicans/Libertarians) then we remain divided and weak against the single biggest and focussed ideological threat to all of us: devout Islam.

It is important to note that while Christianity may be wrong, it is definitely a mistake to assert it is equally wrong as Islam. Islam is much more wrong because it is totalitarian and covers all aspects of life (especially political). Islam claim full dominion over non-adherents (that means *you*, Slashdotters) whereas Christianity does not make this claim (not these days at least).

Comment Video is mostly factually correct (Score 3, Interesting) 188

Analyses of the Innocence of Muslims video has shown it to be mostly factually correct

Now it might be a crummy video, but don't mistake poor production values for being factually incorrect. The video is based on statements in the Qur'an and hadiths - please go and check these things for yourself: http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/quran/index.htm [Skeptics Annotated Qur'an].

It gets worse though. Both Secretary of State Clinton and President Obama were opposed to the video to cover up their arming of Al Qaeda elements in Libya through the embassy in Benghazi - and this backfired because the Obama Admistration are in total denial about jihad as a motivation of Islamism (as *mandated* by the Qur'an). The foreign policy of the US Administration is unbelievably misguided - because the political Left (which this State Department and Administration is) will not let the facts on the ground get in the way of their narrative. They are denying reality but the reality is rapidly catching up - and the securitry of the Free World is being traded for appeasement (in the hope that Islamists will be "moderate" - which is a ridiculous idea if you have ever read the Qur'an, hadiths and have an understanding of Islamic history for the last 1400 years).

Appeasement will not work with Islamists. Selling Israel out will not work (the jihadis have been in business for 14 centuries before Israel was established - you can't blame the joos for the actions of the jihadis). Making concessions to Muslims will not work (since the Islamists do not believe in quid-pro-quo; they believe they are right, the Free World is wrong, and its their way *only*). The Obama Administration abandoning the rest of the globe comes at exactly the wrong time - but perhaps this is no surprise given the number of Muslim Brotherhood members in the Administration influencing policy (which is why they are so afraid of Michelle Bachmann calling for an investigation - such an investigation would reveal that the Administration is so thoroughly penetrated it can barely be trusted to lead the Free World).

Fortunately there are signs of hope. Florida just passed a bill to outlaw Sharia. If other US states and other sovereign nations do the same then the Free World will remain Free. Then we only have to convince the wannabe dhimmis in the West to actually check the facts of what is going on - and not rely on the narrative they have been fed - they are in the Matrix and resist the truth of what is happening - preferring to *factual* arguments as some kind of 'racism' [absolutely crazy; Islam is a violent and totalitarian ideology, just like Naziism and Soviet Communism, it has nothing to do with 'race'].

Wake up folks. The biggest enemy of Freedom and Liberty in the World is the ideology of Islam (and those who apologize for it, eg. Obama and the political hard-Left). The video the Innocence of Muslims was a clumsy (but factual) attempt by an Egyptian Coptic to highlight the evils of the ideology and its warlord founder. To bad so many people simply ignored the film based on the lies of Islamist apologists (as in, the narrative from the Left-biased media). If you checked the facts you'd see the video was right - Mohammed was evil and against every the Free World stands for (but not against what the political Left now stands for - destruction of the system of the Free World).

Comment Well done AMD (Score 5, Insightful) 117

This is excellent from AMD to release source in a very timely manner. It shows commercial companies can support Free Software losing the ability to compete (which AMD will have factored in).

They are supporting us so I suggest we support them - vote with your wallets gentlemen! We win because we get drivers that will be supported for a long time, we also win because AMD GPUs generally have the best price-per-perfomance value (even if not always at the insanely expensive peak of absolute performance), and AMD will also win because it gets sales from customers that recognize the mutal win.

Hopefully NVidia will also see this move and get the hint. That would be a further win.

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