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Comment Re:The math doesn't add up (Score 1) 104

it looks like a lot but there is a lot of data that could be collected:
_ Many calls are multiple calls
_ there are failed calls
_ A lot of people will send dozens of texts ... and there will be dozens of replies, each would be separate
_ phones connect to the internet, maybe the actual contents go through ssl but port/ip address pairs is unencrypted, as well as data length
_ there could also be cellular network data like location, provider

Comment Re:This does not quite check out ... (Score 1) 144

they have fertility issues too to a point china discontinued their one child policy.

even if it weren't so, people are having less children and are marrying later due to improved healthcare and curves that hit countries like US and europe end up causing issues to other countries like china later as healthcare and nutrition/agriculture improves.

it's not one or the other... a lot of things happen simultaneously

long story short, before you can say it doesn't check out, you have to examine a lot of environmental factors

Comment Re: Size does not matter (Score 1) 56

If it's indeed 4k, then after, not much network overhead. My hunch says it should be more for something full fledged.

With that said, having a built in optional GC is not necessarily a bad idea, melted barrier to entry lower, easier to optimize. It's is they don't allow languages like rust to do their thing that's going to be a pain

Comment Re:Size does not matter (Score 2) 56

It does when it comes to web: I remember reading a study a few years ago that a fraction of a second delay would mean someone was less likely to read the page.

Smaller file, means faster load time - A big part of the reason behind WASM is improving load time and performance. It might not matter for a hello world but for larger apps, it probably does

Comment Maybe it's just me, tone of video was annoying (Score 1) 14

_ Half of the video was about how he did not like the design. It's very similar to the old one but smaller. Arguably the line he dislikes so much is very functional, make it easier to disassemble parts.
_ He says it has not shrunk much, I disagree. 30% lighter is no small feat

Sure it doesn't have revolutionary features but this is not a ps6, no one expected it to

Comment Makes sense, limit liability and load (Score 1) 50

I can see the editing of id cards, it's a legal liability if someone creates a fake id, alter legal documents. I can see someone suing them if someone made fake identity documents used in a crime
I can see them limiting too complex queries because of the load if they are offloading it to the cloud... a lot of companies do that. one example is chatgpt. Some service is better than no service

of course there are workarounds and software that will allow you to do that... they are mostly covering their behinds

Comment The don't at most companies that matter (Score 2) 101

I have taken interviews from a lot of the top tier companies and they don't really care what school you went to, your scores, or even if you graduated from college.

This will help you a lot more than certifications:
_ Get a github account
_ contribute regularly, open source projects are good, if you can get a few projects of your own too
_ if you are a developer
          - go to leetcode/careercup/interviewbit and do most medium/hard interviews in your language of choice (python in most big interviews)
          - there is always an easy question: invert an array, string, search
          - there is always 1 question with linked lists, graphs, trees
          - get familiar with o(n) algo complexity
          - do lots of problems, learn to do it on a whiteboard, it;s about doing it fast with minimum mistake, practice
_ Look up behavioral interviews
            - be familiar with the star format
            - get familiar with the classic questions like "imagine a time you were overruled"
            - get multiple examples and response with all components of star format
            - practice saying responses, maybe with partner

There are a few companies that will look at certifications: (1) contractors, mostly government contractors to fulfill a role (2) staff augmenting companies.

but as a general rule, the most use I have had for certifications were for guiding learning and learning the vocabulary/process necessary to talk to stakeholders who did. They never prevented me from getting any job

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I tell them to turn to the study of mathematics, for it is only there that they might escape the lusts of the flesh. -- Thomas Mann, "The Magic Mountain"
