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Comment Re:Time for a change? (Score 1) 234

>> "And another thing, why is education literally never a talking point during elections?"

At this risk of sounding trollish you cannot possibly be paying attention. Around election time we have grandstanding on all sort of education subjects: Evolution and Creationism. When/if kids should learn about reproduction and birth control. Outcome based education. Benchmarking. Multi-culturalism in our history and Social Studies curriculum. Safety in schools. School lunch programs ("Michelle Obama lunches"). "Liberal indoctrination". Teacher's unions. That's just what I can think of on the spot. The list goes on.

Very few things are political hot-button topics on the scale of public education.

Comment Re:Eventually - but the lies do real damage meanwh (Score 1) 444

In the case of children's vaccination the medical community would be wise to co-op the language of climate change activists and label the opposition as "vaccine deniers". Shame them as anti-science and anti-medicine. Point out how the anti-vax movement's loudest voices are b-list celebrities with no expertise on the subject.

Comment Re:They will, without a doubt, die... (Score 1) 923

>> "You are going to need to combine that with spiders, toxic chemicals, a DNA X-factor"

Not necessarily. They may gain the powers of Dr. Manhattan. He was exposed to radiation in an 'intrinsic fields' experiment, which could really mean almost anything.

Option #2 - perhaps the thieves will be fused into one character like "Firestorm". One person's body will remain and gain superpowers, the other becomes the voice of reason in his head.

Comment Re:Not similar at all. (Score 1) 786

>> "Have you ever done IT? Some of the biggest problems are political there as well."

Yes. I've even dealt with outside vendors. I've seen those situations work out and occasionally not work out. Almost every time a company outsources development and that 3rd party hands back code that doesn't work, Company A doesn't pay until it works. Company A holds 3rd party developer to it's original bid that a website was supposed to cost $90m not $630m or more. In this case Company A is the US Taxpayer.

>> "If it was entirely in-house like NASA was..." "...less money and would be cheaper to maintain."

I'm not going to disagree so much as I'm going to give you the benefit of doubt that you wrote this without really thinking it through. NASA buys products from thousands of private companies, nothing was built in house by Uncle Sam. Some of those companies have gone out of business because NASA was their only customer. One of the reasons the Space Shuttles became unsustainable was NASA would swap components between shuttles rather than buy replacements, so companies withered and died off. In many situations there was only one working part for the whole fleet because there was no way to buy a replacement.

The Space Shuttle program was also, for all of it's triumphs, a cash hog.

Comment Similar services (Score 3, Insightful) 786

The frustrating thing - and this is specific to the website - is there are already other websites doing functionally similar tasks.

Every evening you will see Flo and Prudential Auto Insurance commercials. Or the green muppet telling you how you can shop for mortgages while wearing your underwear. There are many websites that act as one stop shops for other services, shopping for health insurance. They collect a few basic facts and then provide you with a handful of companies to suit your needs. A gov't insurance website should not be re-inventing the wheel.

I'm quite certain the commercial services helping you shop for loans, mortgages, insurance and other services didn't have $600m startup costs either.

Comment Role of the modern Olympics (Score 3, Interesting) 106

The Olympics have overshadowed the World's Fair as a forum and showcase for technology, art, social events, and efforts by each host country to create a "model society" if but for a brief period. Most host countries pour far more money in than they will recover because of the prestige and the opportunity to push their political ideology on the world's televisions.

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