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Comment Re:You won't have to use Steam to benefit from thi (Score 1) 183

Portal 2, CS:GO and Dota 2 are all recent Valve games.

More importantly, Valve is very much a major player in publishing - these days more so than in developing. They likely can keep their developing arm going on longer than the lifespans of current staff with the profits from their publishing arm.

The game library for Steam Linux will likely be Valve's titles and a wide library of 3rd party independent titles at first. Certainly nowhere near Steam Windows, but still nothing to sneeze at.

Comment Re:Bacon -- One of the Basic Food Groups (Score -1, Offtopic) 176

So, a type of food notorious for the human rights abuses it's farming causes (and the amount of sugar and fat), fat, fat and a food that has animal abuse as a core part of it's production (and is full of fat)?

No wonder you'd need to eat vegetables to feel better about yourself. Or for that matter, to stop your stomach from screaming out for help.

Comment Re:Yeah right. (Score 1) 306

I actually remember taking my cell phone with me every time I left home and wasn't looked after. I was under 10 years old, and this was well over a decade ago.

I also remember a time where my entire class - of 12 year olds - all had cell phones. And this, again, was well over a decade ago.

Ubiquitous cell phones have been a thing for about two decades by now. You mean 25. It's 2012. You didn't forget again, did you, grandpa? Grandpa?

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 463

I saw this headline, and immediately Betteridge's Law of Headlines came to mind.

Onscreen keyboards and screens you hold really don't mix with extended time spent writing anything, much less code. And you could add a stand and an external keyboard to an iPad, and at that point you have an inferior version of a MacBook.

Comment Re:There is no problem with this (Score 1) 234

And this affects me none as an iOS user - and I'm sure most iOS users have given it even less thought.

Apple wishes to keep this software out of their market as a CYA strategy. This is fine with me. They also keep emulators out for the same reason, which I'm less thrilled about but I can understand their position.

If I felt some other platform offered me superior choices, I would use that platform. As it is, I prefer iOS, because I value convenience over software freedom. My communications remain unimpaired by Apple.

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