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Comment Let them fade away into their hubris. (Score 5, Insightful) 89

The people running the Hugo's are a bunch of weak little weeds blowing in whatever direction their current political and social wind blows. They set a standard that has nothing to do with the competency and quality of the authors. They have repeatedly over the years censored good authors for a host of reasons including their race although they wouldn't admit that. Instead they come up with other excuses. So its no surprise that its political views they deemed unpopular by a dictatorship this year. I quit paying any attention to them a decade back.

Comment cisco has ceased to be considered (Score 2) 49

The overly restrictive licensing that restricts simple features. The inability to use third party components makes them unattractive. The support is nothing to cheer about either. I had better luck hitting the forums finding information and workaround fixes to their buggy ios releases. I know they have their new os now but I kicked them to the curb before that and will not consider them in the future.

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