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Comment Re:lack of international cooperatiom (Score 1) 192

People in the military charged with a crime in Germany or any other country with a US military base are tried by the US Military court. This process is clearly defined in the treaties allowing the US military base in the country in the first place. If any country disagrees with this they can make the US military leave. But any country taking this action can expect any mutual defense agreements or military support to also be cancelled. The US military bases in Europe and Asia are not there to protect the US they are there to provide trip wires that will guarantee US military support if the host country is invaded. Can't really see any other country doing the same thing for the US and it is for that reason the US should remove their military bases and let the fun begin.

This is not accurate for a couple of reasons.

First, the 'treaties' you are referring to are actually called SOFAs, or Status of Forces Agreements. And generally speaking, US military personnel who commit crimes against host nation citizens/institutions can expect to face the host nation's criminal justice system.

Second, they are almost always *not* defined in the treaties establishing the bases; they are negotiated separately. However, failure to reach an agreement can lead to (or else accelerate) bases not being established, and/or troops being removed. This change in status for US military personnel in Iraq was one sticking point a few years back.

Comment Re:Barack "Executive Order" Obama... (Score 1) 367

And keep in mind that George HW Bush was president for only one term, whereas all of the others were two-term presidents. ....

So was GWB replaced by an android from 2005-2009 or was he sleeping from 2001-2005? ...served as the 43rd President of the United States from 2001 to 2009...

I'm honestly not sure what point you're trying to make. Obviously GWB was a two-term president. I even alluded to that when I said, "whereas all of the others were two-term presidents". Bush Sr: one term. Bush Jr: two terms. It's very simple. So, what's your point again?

Comment Re:Barack "Executive Order" Obama... (Score 2) 367

So is it Obama or EO's that you have a problem with? Because in recent history the high scores currently are:

Ronnie 381
Bill 364
George W 291
Barack 224 (with 1 year to go)
George H 166

And keep in mind that George HW Bush was president for only one term, whereas all of the others were two-term presidents. Which makes him an apple-to-oranges comparison. Extrapolating out (and assuming a constant pace/trendline), that means that Bush Sr. number should be approximately 332. Which puts him in 2nd place and knocks Obama way down the "ramming-shit-down-our-throats" list.

Not that this fact is going to change anybody's mind.

Comment Re:Barack "Executive Order" Obama... (Score 1) 367

So is it Obama or EO's that you have a problem with? Because in recent history the high scores currently are:

Ronnie 381
Bill 364
George W 291
Barack 224 (with 1 year to go)
George H 166

And keep in mind that George HW Bush was president for only one term, whereas all of the others were two-term presidents. Which makes him an apple-to-oranges comparison. Extrapolating out (and assuming a constant pace/trendline), that means that Bush Sr. number should be approximately 332. Which puts him in 2nd place and knocks Obama way down the "ramming-shit-down-our-throats" list.

Not that this fact is going to change anybody's mind.

Submission + - More Time Outside Tied to Less Nearsightedness in Children (

Bookworm09 writes: For primary school children in China, spending an extra 45 minutes per day outside in a school activity class may reduce the risk of myopia, according to a new study.

In some parts of China, 90% of high school graduates have nearsightedness, and rates are lower but increasing in Europe and the Middle East, the authors write.

"There were some studies suggesting the protective effect of outdoor time in the development of myopia, but most of this evidence is from cross-sectional studies (survey) data that suggest 'association' instead of causality," said lead author Dr. Mingguang He of Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou. "Our study, as a randomized trial, is able to prove causality and also provide the high level of evidence to inform public policy."

Comment Re: So much stupid (Score 1) 111

Did you read the entire article till the end? It concludes with

Did you? How come you chose not to quote the sentence and two more paragraphs right after that? From the article:

But also adjusted to take into account the racial breakdown in violent crime, the data actually show that police are less likely to kill black suspects than white ones. “If one adjusts for the racial disparity in the homicide rate or the rate at which police are feloniously killed, whites are actually more likely to be killed by police than blacks,” said Mr. Moskos, a former Baltimore cop and author of the book “Cop in the Hood.” “Adjusted for the homicide rate, whites are 1.7 times more likely than blacks die at the hands of police,” he said. “Adjusted for the racial disparity at which police are feloniously killed, whites are 1.3 times more likely than blacks to die at the hands of police.”

I'm not saying that the person quoted in the article is right or wrong; I haven't verified his data, and I don't know that anybody else has either. But the issue is not nearly as cut-and-dry as your carefully edited quote tries to make it appear.

Comment Re:Because he made it one (Score 1) 510

I wish I had mod points. You are correct. It's sad that T.E.D. is getting modded +5s for making factually incorrect statements (and then defending them when challenged rather than just accept it with good grace), and your attempts to introduce facts are getting (relatively, at least) ignored.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 510

It's not about sympathy for this slimeball; it's about whether this is an overreach that gives security authorities an interest in: a couple transferring money from one account to another, or a sole-proprietorship transferring money between personal to business accounts, ...

Just a minor point. This law isn't concerned with account transfers. Only cash deposits and withdrawals.

Comment Re:The Truth (if you can handle it) (Score 1) 233

They tried vouchers in DC and it has been an unmitigated success which is now trying to be shut down because the unions are scared spit-less that it will spread to other states.

Really? You don't think it might have something to do with the massive cheating scandal? I don't think "unmitigated" means what you think it means.

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