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Comment Re:Over private property? (Score 1) 733

The reason there are too many deer is that your precious hunters have killed of all the predators, and I dont believe for a minute that all hunters eat their prey. Hunting here is quite rare, but in the US with your fascination and love of the gun and violence you seem to have to shoot someone or something on a regular basis to boost your ego's.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Poor old mod bomber 1

Just cant get me out of excellent karma no matter how hard he tries. What a pathetic little micro dick you are-go right ahead and waste more mod points, I really couldnt give a flying fuck about!

Comment Re:What karma mountain? (Score 0) 10

WHat a load of excrement, the mod system is not a tool for you to surpress speech, gutless coward that you are, I am still getting mod up and meta mods will catch you at your pathetic little trick. Someone with a heap of sock puppets is nto the communtiy, but now I will set up a few myself. Of course gutless ac's like yourself who are scred to post your ID logged in are pathietic. There are plenty of mod ups to jerk off.

Comment Re:Modbombers (Score 0) 10

Go ahead asshole waste your mod points, I still have excellent karma, and can absorb all the shit you want to try and hand out. Glad you are wasting them on me and not bothering others.

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