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Comment Re:Nice astroturfing (Score 1) 171


"The Nazi's built the best, but fewer..."

In this corner:

And in this corner:
Soviet T-34.
Supermarine Spitfire.
P-51 Mustang D.
The B motherfucking -17.
Pervasive use of submachineguns by Soviet infantry.
Ubiquity of the semiautomatic rifle for American troops: M-1 Garand.
The B "Smilin' Joe Fission" -29.
The American escort aircraft carrier.

I'm just saying...

Comment Re:Failed Order (Score 1) 258

You know...that is a funny post.

But I am curious. Has anyone uncovered evidence of more examples of these devices? Is there any clue as to who designed it?

Is it possible that this machine was a breakthrough, one-off prototype, and that its genius inventor went down with the ship? Was the loss of the device a significant blow to the progress of technology?

Or was this an interesting side road that just sort of petered out? I'd be interested to know. Was this a huge loss...or the classical equivalent of the eight-track tape of maritime navigational technology?

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