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Comment Re:this doesn't solve the problem. (Score 1) 156

> Let's take heroin addiction for example. You know how many heroin addicts that get clean, yet go back to using the heroin? Pretty much all of them. Turning off the "addictive" cell won't change that. It's not about the addiction, it's about the high. It's about how the drug makes you feel.

Ok, feel a need to state the obvious.

Feeling the high won't destroy your life. Feeling a constant need for getting high (addiction) will destroy your life.
Many drugs are actually beneficial if used wisely. Same as everything else in this world. Thinking that something is exclusively bad or good, is just plain stupid.
When it comes to drugs, you can find loads of documentaries about psychedelics (for example) used to treat hard addictions, and some other things.

Many drug users (I know few of them) don't want to be heroin addicts. Yes, they want the high.. because they can't function without it .. as in .. feel sick without it.
Nobody likes feeling sick. That's why we have medicine today advertised on TV massively about curing flu/cold symptoms.

I'm assuming that taking heroin let's say.. once every couple of weeks / month .. without feeling that you 'need' to repeat the experience after short time, would be a great achievement in steps toward helping addicted people maintain some sort of normal life.

Comment Addiction (Score 3, Interesting) 156

So, this might be an end to nicotine/cigarettes ?

I'm just mentioning it. Since people obviously think that "drug addiction" means "cocaine/heroine addiction".

How many people are cocaine/heroin addicts and how many are nicotine addicts ?

Comment Re:Outrage! (Score 1) 283

>> and voting in new leadership based on Socrates' principles and not politicians!

How you gonna do that when in politics all your choice is .. politicians that are all the same ?

I wonder if the people are aware of the fact that politicians, individually, aren't changing anything. And the whole system is made so people have power to choose politicians. But the politicians don't change the system.. the system is a movement, that keeps going in a certain direction.. fluidly. If you take events from the last 15 years, you should see it. Politicians are just the representing faces of the direction that the system is going in.

Otherwise, all these things you mentioned (and a lot more if I may add) wouldn't happen, especially not gradually like this. Every year some other BS.

Comment Re:Finally (Score 2) 164

> I know right? We got so much oil from Iraq and Afghanistan that gas is now back below $2 / gal and the world is a better place.

Not only that, but the world is having more opium/heroin as well. The taliban seem to be enjoying capitalism.


Comment Re:I've seen the 'less restrictive laws' at work. (Score 1) 221

> I am against lying about why they are doing it. Just be honest, and admit Mr. Zuckerberg that you just want to hire people you can pay less money.

Why would an entity(corporation) 'admit' something like that ? What you expect them to say ? Something like this:

- We won't hire expensive local people. We want easier access to poor submissive {indians, pakistanis, etc.} so we can make them work harder and give them less money for it, which in turn maximizes our profit. ... be real.

Why people by default think these people are on their side, is more mysterious to me than question about point of living, universe, nature of reality and couple of other things combined.
Whatever they do, it's for profit. They just wrap it up nicely for the media. The wrappings are all that matters anyway in your culture.

Comment Re:Torturing ants (Score 1) 440

>> Never drop context, which in this case is the 3000+ deaths of September 11, 2001.

According to numerous reports (you can google them) civilian (children included) deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan is 100k. Let's say it's 20 thousand.
However.. it's important to notice:

>> (The United States doesn’t officially keep body counts — at least not for United States-caused civilian deaths.)
(from: http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/06/afghanistan-iraq-wars-killed-132000-civilians-report-says/)

Now, you can go ahead and talk about torture too. People that are doing all these things over there, are more guilty then al-qaeda or whatever the name is will ever be. When it comes to crimes against humanity. Sorry.

Comment Re:They're afraid of going after downloaders. (Score 1) 96

>> The recording industry is attacking TPB instead of attacking the someones who are doing the illegal acts, because those someones are mostly the children and college students of middle America. It would be politically unpopular to attack those.

They just label those people as anti-americans / terrorists. The unpopular action becomes popular.
It's not something they aren't doing already.

First they just need to stuff the idea of "downloading music makes you a bad person / thief" into the masses / societies. They are already at it, on a global scale.
In Bangkok where I live, in Skytrain system, there are a "ad boards" of a "artist" looking all sad, and a statement: "every time you download illegaly, you're taking away from our creative spirit" or something like that. Ads like these are everywhere, and step by step, they gonna demonize all the people doing this, so it won't be a problem for them to arrest some student on charges of being a "bad guy". Public will agree.

Comment Why such a big problem ? (Score 0) 205

What's so wrong with flu ? Ok it's 'inconvenient'.. but if you get it once every 2-3 years..what's the problem ? Your immune system needs some _natural_healthy_enemies every now and then. Do you actually need a mix of god knows what in your system ?

And I'm gonna be harsh a bit.. since we're all "evolution theorists" here (meaning: you should be able to accept ugly truth).. so we should accept the fact, that if you gonna die from something benign as flue..hey.. that 'design' carried us to where you are now. What more do you want... it works.

Comment Re:The flu shot is hokum anyway. (Score 1) 205

My friend don't know what a flu shot is. He get's sick (flu) for 2 days once in 3 years, i too.

If your immune system is compromised no vaccine will help you, same as.. if you're immune system is not compromised - you DON'T need a vaccine.
Don't have a quotation, just a personal experience. But if it'll make you feel easier, just mod me down.. and stuff that chemical experiment you call food in your and your children throats. Maybe my tin foil hat is protecting me.. who knows.

Comment Re:Shamless self promotion... (Score 1) 72

Telling ones story isn't necesarily ones promotion. It's a story. Though.. average visitor of this site has too big of an ego to not think of it as unjust to him/his projects.

Anyway.. tpb movie didn't 'promote' them, at least not in my eyes. I only found interesting them as some 'random' guys that did something, most probably by random chance... or being at the right time at the right place, and having the 'right' idea. That's all. Suprnova guy 10 yrs ago.. was the same. If he fought all kinds of mafiaa, it would be interesting to see his story too. What kind of a guy was he.

When it comes to your movie, good luck with it. Hope you promoted yourself well, even if you used someones else .. promotion as you call it.

Comment Re:For lying us into a war... (Score 1) 230

In SOME countries, leaders are not blamed or not blamed. They are put on a public trial. But this is rare. When it does happen it's usually only cinema.
Now, imagine every American president (after that we can go on European ones) on trail (ON TV !) because of killing and destroying lives of millions of civilians(directly/indirectly) around the globe. Now.. talk about utopian ideas.

If you want a "citation", sorry. No instant gratification here. Open youtube or wikipedia if by any chance you're actually interested.

Comment Re:And Hotmail doesn't? (Score 1) 513

You 'r meant to believe that MS is good. They want some of that cake.

Generally.. if you have a corp that spews shit about other corp... its not because of you, your freedom, honesty, justice.. or whatever. It's strategy. The goal is .. make as much money as possible, gain as much power as possible, etc.

MS is just trying to scare dumb people (aka "the public") for their own interests.

Comment 10 gb ram + high soul hw (Score 0) 184

I have a feeling KDE is very fast if you don't care about logic. Like.. oh.. look, people have 8 gb of ram, why we need to care about logic... our app can just as well take 10 gigabytes of ram just to load one app. Who gives a fuck.

And my message to developers (like this) ... i hope you fuckers die (mozilla?).

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