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Comment Re:I don't see what the problem is... (Score 1) 267

And I bet patents are blocking other companies from working together on it.

Possibly, but I reckon it is more a case of the attitude of the relevant players.

In some cultures, companies still approach their business from a "provide a quality service for a reasonable price and the customers will come" philosophy. Are you old enough to remember companies like that in western countries?

Unfortunately in our capitalism at all costs way, too many companies approach their business from a "how much can we milk em for, how do we lock em in" philosophy.

So when there is some new you beaut tech just waiting for everyone, we get a situation aptly described in TFA as

"it is completely possible nothing will happen in mobile payments in the next five years if everybody keeps thinking only about their own piece of the puzzle."

Read as "piece of the pie"...

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