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Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 270

I have a better proposal. How about: the carriers charge more than the current market will bear, giving an opportunity for cheaper alternatives (such as, I dunno... Facebook messaging) to arise. Then the carriers start to see their SMS business dwindle away. Oh wait, that's already happening. Gosh, and no regulation needed!

Comment Re:0 is heavier than 1? (Score 1) 243

Interestingly, that same stretched rubber band with also warm up, and then gradually return to ambient by radiating away that heat. Then when you release the tension, it will get cold... sucking up the heat it had previously released.

Comment Re:"genetically immune to all viruses" (Score 1) 161

To plagiarize from Douglas Hofstadter: Consider a record player X (DNA) that vibrates into dust if it is ever used to play the record, "I Cannot Be Played on Record Player X" (virus). Now build a new record player Y, that is immune to record X. It is now possible to devise some other record, "I Cannot Be Played on Record Player Y", that will have a similar effect on the new record player.

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