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Comment Re:Remember this (Score 2) 506

So pretty much the same stuff that Allied soldiers from the US did in Europe and Japan during World War 2 ?
And again in Nicaragua and Vietnam and Korea and Brazil and ... oh before 9/11 you had deposed 53 different democratically elected governments and replaced them with puppet dictators in various parts of the world and there has yet to be a single war where American soldiers did not make themselves guilty of crimes like rape. Nothing special about you on the latter part- you put a boatload of young boys together, give them guns and fill them with macho-bravado and extreme "do not dare to have a brain" discipline - you will BREED at least a few mad-ass rapist and cold-blooded killers in the process - every military does.

Since 9/11 you made a refreshing change from the past, just to be different, and to show how much feminism has advanced your society - you had soldiers both male and female committing torture and sexual assault against MALE prisoners of war in places like Abu Ghraib.

Sorry pal - but while there is a LOT wrong with the Saudis and there was plenty wrong with Satan Hussain - you'll do a lot better if you focus on stuff that your own actually do BETTER.

Seriously - you saying that is like if me (a South African white who lived through the 1980's) start complaining because the ANC used to bomb restaurants and ignore the fact that they only started doing that because the NP government liked to arrest anybody who spoke against the apartheid policies and most of those arrested were tortured and killed in prison (which rather removed the desirability of peaceful protest).

It's like pointing out the Church street bomb and forgetting about Steve Biko.

The real simple truth: fundamentalism in all forms is a grave evil: this INCLUDES the fundamentalism of honor, duty and discipline hammered in by EVERY military force ever.

There's no such thing as an honorable army - the very concept is a contradiction in terms - such a thing does not and CANNOT ever exist. The best you ever get in wars is where one REGIME is so evil that whatever atrocities your army commits on the way to destroying theirs and the regime could be considered an acceptable loss because the other side would be so much WORSE if they win. That's what you had in such extremely rare cases as World War 2.

Of course they TELL you that about EVERY war, but in all but the rarest of cases - it's just not true.

In the entire 20th century Carter was your ONLY president who didn't find an excuse to bomb SOMEBODY. That's ONE - in a hundred years !

Comment Re:Privacy concerns now outweigh terrorism in poll (Score 0) 358

Here's the way I would do it if I was them - and I would be surprised if they didn't. I'm simplifying a bit but include the pieces like "without a court order" and such for yourself.

MI6 isn't allowed to spy on British citizens.
The NSA isn't allowed to spy on Americans.
But Britain and America are allies.
So MI6 let's the NSA spy in Britain and looks the other way.
The NSA lets MI6 spy in America and looks the other way.
Afterwards, like good allies, they "share intelligence" and now MI6 has all the surveillance data the NSA gathered in Britain, and the NSA has everything MI6 gathered in the USA.

Repeat for all US allies (and any other government they can strong-arm).

Result: massive world-wide surveillance of all citizens in virtually all countries -all without a single agency every breaking the "do not spy on your own citizens" rules if they have them.

Comment Re:Linux's Biggest Threat is Human Engineering (Score 1) 252

I won't deny that it happens in some places, but it certainly doesn't happen here. In fact we take those default settings and hard-code them to make this even less likely.
We even have a bootscript that locks root on every reboot, and another hook in our build-scripts to relock it everytime you build our code, basically - even if people unlock it, it won't be unlocked for long - and if somebody changes that, well git blame means it won't be a secret...

Comment Re:Linux's Biggest Threat is Human Engineering (Score 1) 252

Most desktop Linux distros (the kind most coders who run it use) no longer HAVE a root account enabled, it's generally locked by default, and you would have to forceably go and set one to use it.

I can't speak for other people but I have only ever done this in very specific scenarios on my machine where I CANNOT use sudo (i.e. I want to move my /home to a new larger hard drive - this means I need to be able to unmount it - which means my normal account cannot be logged int)... considering it's "sudo passwd root", move mountpoint, remount, passwd -l root, exit or I have to "THE HORROR" reboot my machine after updating fstab ... yeah, I consider that an acceptable risk.

Comment Re: A name for PETA (Score 4, Informative) 590

From the original huffington post article we find, among other things, a quote by a veterinarian who handed them a mother cat and her kittens who were perfectly healthy. The PETA representatives said they would be "easy to adopt" and the vet was wanting to find them homes as they were in perfect condition.

The PETA guys killed them in their van mere moments after telling that blatant lie.

Isn't it odd that every other shelter organisation around has far fewer euthanizations and far more adoptions than PETA's shelters do ? That most of them keep animals for several months before considering euthansia while PETA animals rarely make 14 days - even if they are in perfect health ?

That animals coming to PETA with diseases which other shelters routinely treat and cure and then adopt the animals are simply left to die untreated ? Like Parvovirus - average survival rate among infected animals at shelters: 90%, survival rate at PETA shelters: 0%.

Comment Re:Easily... (Score 1) 330

You remind me of a debate between Bill O'Reily and Bill Maher, where O'Reily said: "People don't want progressivism, they don't want the country to change, they like the country".

My answer to him is: yes, a lot of people like America, a lot more than 50 years ago actually, much more than 70 years ago and way more (all percentage-wise to population at the time) than a hundred and fifty years ago. The reason each generation has more people who like America is because each generation has fewer groups of people who are not being disenfranchised and having their rights denied by government and the beneficiaries of unequal rights. That philosophy which, with each generation, has recognized and extended basic rights to more and more of those groups who are denied it, that is progressivism. That is what gave the vote to black people, to women, and as recently as 1992 only to people of Romani descent (aka gypsies). We still need to be progressive because, today, there are still many people in the USA whose rights are not truly recognized and who are not truly equal before the law. The gay community for one, the children of illegal immigrants for another (recently a republican congressman suggested denying foodstamps to illegal immigrants, since any child born in the US is automatically a citizen, this would mean - literally - starving American babies because their PARENTS broke the law).
We can stop being progressive, when we have nobody left who desperately needs progress to happen."

Bias disclosure: I am not an American, nor do I ever want to be one, but I do follow your news and events (since they directly impact my life - you choose a bad president and I get poorer even though I got no vote, seems rather undemocratic in my view, that's about the only thing I actually AGREE with Ron Paul on - stay the hell out of other people's countries, you do not get to mess with OUR democratic choices to serve YOUR interests).

Comment Re:A bit of perspective folks... (Score 1) 145

Dude, if you're going to make the Blackadder joke, then at least get it right. Richard IV ruled for 13 Glorious years before lord Percy's mixup with the wine and poison. At which point, Henry Tudor ascended the throne and rewrote history for a full backdated 13 years, claiming the death of Richard the third, victory at Bosworth and basically denying the very existence of Richard the fourth.

It's in the opening sequence to the series dude.

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