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Comment Re:In days of yore, this was solved differently (Score 1) 639

In the past you had twitter? I think the issue here is two-fold. Yes, people used to have more respect for one another. At the same time, there were those who thought these types of disrespectful things but they didn't have the guts / ability to actually confront the abused party. Digital communication has lowered that barrier, so pathetic little haters can spew this type of garbage and feel good about themselves without any fear of consequence. I don't know that having laws against mean tweets is the right way to do things, but there should be an ass kicking deployed in this specific situation.

Comment Re:Yes, absolutely (Score 1) 184

A particle is a piece of a thing.

So A God Particle would be A PIECE OF GOD.

Insert mentally-deficient worship here.

This may explain the obesity problem in America, especially in the midwest . People are trying to add a bit more God to their lives.

Comment What about defeating Napoleon? (Score 1) 707

Depending on your sample size and definition of major state, you could say that a defeated Napoleon prevents war. I get what Waltz is saying, but I don't know that his conclusion is valid. I think the major states have more modern ways of fighting than outright killing. A trade agreement or sanction can do about as much damage as a war, especially to the governing officials.

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