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Comment Re:Even better (Score 1) 167

And then the dust devils will come and wipe it off ... you'd have better luck with the moon on that one. Please lets not have sponsorship, the last thing we want is the rover doing cursive loops hopping it will come to something interesting, or have everything named after a cheap product. I'd much rather they honor somebody worthy and let some geek draw questionable stuff.

Comment Some game theory problems (Score 1) 345

The reality is that everybody thinks they are above average driver. So if they get a score that is below average, they know they will pay more to offset the drivers who pay less. So they simply walk away. So ultimately exactly half of the drivers would get a worse deal in a perfect world. The insurance company will end up with better than average drivers only ... but these drivers will pay less insurance. The insurance company pays out less but earns less per driver. That is a one to one relationship, so the insurance company has no incentive to do this ... unless people naturally think they are better than average drivers or they think that can fool this application. Then people will flock and the app can be no more an app that has an image of two cog wheels that at the end of 200klms simply tells you that you have qualified for a discount. No different than what happens now that there is a myriad of insurance companies that "specialise" in different groups. You go to three companies and one specialises in people with mustaches and you get a discount at that one. Your sense of value is created by the other two and the third springs the trap. The reality is that there are only a couple of insurance companies and the rest are simply fronts.

Comment Almost pointless questions (Score 1) 260

This word "worth" means different things to different people. In fact it has different value at different times in the life of each person.

So in the end, for me a PHD in the middle of my life where I have other distractions is more than too hard, but I do enjoy learning, and in fact I am partaking in Algorithms. Then again I am not you. I expect most of the constructive replies to simply try and pin down the value of "worth"

Comment Re:Goal set to high? (Score 1) 247

It about exploring your limits dammit, not about making Doom 12. Otherwise we are all going to drop dead, so what is the point of trying anyway ? I recon shoot for the next great POV shooter ... you may realise that the way to it is to work with a group, you may settle to editing the manual which will be more than I have ever done but you may find your niche.

Comment Ammm ... iOS Vs Android (Score 1) 375

We are talking about Android a platform that uses free software to program on on any platform and runs on devices that are sub $50. Skip 5 years where hundreds of millions more in third world countries will have access to phones of all manner of designs (as well as TVs and stupid little multimedia spheres and "chrome" computers) All these seem to be converging.

Just consider the following simple fact.

Android: You have open access to the actual source code all the way to the metal and no restrictions writing any manner of apps.

iOS: You are not allowed to write an app that will compete with an existing apple app.

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