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Comment Re:Overstating things.... (Score 1) 300

There is, however, a knee-jerk anti-Microsoft reaction here on Slashdot that rejects Windows Phone (particularly) out of hand. It has its merits. Really, it does.

I'll have to disagree with that one - this place used to be filled with M$ Haterade, but I've seen a lot more positive discussion since the antitrust years. I also think that there might be a considerable amount of astroturfing in play by Microsoft.

Slashdot isn't special in the knee-jerk reaction to Windows Phone, though. People pray to the Android / Apple altars and love their holy war, so they poo-poo the Windows Phone as the black sheep of the market.

Comment Re:Who couldn't see this coming? (Score 4, Informative) 300

Exchange is laughable, only people who care about certifications use it, and they are the laughing stock of people who actually use servers. There is a reason 99% of all servers are Unix based.

And Sharepoint has been a nightmare for everyone who's had to deal with it. I replace Sharepoint solutions with open source ones (often Drupal, as it performs easily 100x better on equivalent hardware, and can talk to an AD quite easily), and every customer is very satisfied.

Many business on the MS platform will go all-in with Exchange, primarily because of the level of integration with all products that MS offers. To call those that use Exchange "laughing stock," is essentially a troll.

Sharepoint offers a lot more than Drupal does to a business that employs actual developers, as well as those that understand how to leverage Sharepoint with Analysis Services and PowerPivot. There is also a lot more extensibility of workflows with less dev time than Drupal. Companies probably shouldn't bother with Sharepoint unless they actually care about those things, because it's essentially an expensive CMS without them.

Comment Re:why would I want to hang with a buncha cunts (Score 1) 561

I agree, One time in line at a grocery store one man remarked about how it was stupid they had "retards"[sic] working there. I told him "You can learn from anybody, even this so-called 'retard.' for example, notice he is treating everybody with respect. You know, come to think of it, I never met anyone with Down's syndrome who is a nasty and judgmental prick like you. Maybe we can all take a lesson and learn to treat others nicely."


Comment Re:We already have one... (Score 1) 333

I'll third this.

When I first saw the news, a week ago or so, and Wall Street and Forbes were getting antsy over iPad sales, I thought "why wouldn't sales drop?" The product line is very mature, and there is plenty of competition available as well. The devices last forever - even phones do, though we constantly seek upgrades. Tablets fill a specific need, and there are very few "new" apps that demand a complete overhaul of the hardware in order to function.

Comment Re:It already found its place. (Score 1, Insightful) 333

a) it *has* an external port

Whose licensing is controlled with an iron fist, compared to a lot of 1980s PCs that used standard (or at least unpatented) external interfaces.

Logically speaking, you are persisting a fallacy, specifically a straw man argument. That the interconnect is licensed and controlled is irrelevant to the fact that it exists and functions as an interconnect.

The original statement, here:

But it's not a general purpose computer. The small screen, no keyboard and no external ports make it useless for doing any real work. Except for niche applications, it's strictly a content consumption device.

has been refuted, regardless of your views on the port itself.

Comment I've been through that, almost 8 years ago. (Score 2) 533

I interviewed, scored well technically and got along with everyone in both interviews. I interested them. I didn't get the job. The reasoning? They wanted someone that spent their off-hours doing development work.

At the time, I was disappointed. They were doing interesting stuff, like streaming video over satellites using the .NET framework. I was a budding mid-level then. I would have been a cheap developer for them. I would have learned quite a bit as well. What I understand now, however, is that they probably wanted to know if they could overload me with work. They were likely looking for someone who was willing to work evenings and weekends, without the extra pay.

Looking back, I'm glad that I did not get hired. I value my free time, and I do not spend it in complete passionate pursuit of development. I read about stuff every now and then, and do some home projects, but I find that I'm far more useful at work when I haven't been focusing on the same stuff at home.

Comment Re:Jobs must be rolling in his grave... (Score 4, Informative) 773

Apple has usually shipped the prior version of the iphone alongside their new version. When the 4S came out, the 3GS was the super cheap phone, and the 4 was discounted. When the 5 came out, it was the 4 that was super cheap (free with contract) and the 4S was discounted.

The difference now is that the iPhone 5 has been recast as the 5C, and is not shipped alongside the 5S. Instead, it is still a higher priced product, although not nearly as pricey as the 5S, and the 4S is free with contract.

TLDR: Apple has always shipped a "discounted" iPhone except for the original.

Comment Re:Allah Akbar, Han Solo? (Score 1) 514

And here I was thinking that Jabba was a caricature of American politicians - fat, stupid, lazy, ready to kill on a whim, and unable to speak anything but nonsensical gibberish.

I would take it differently. Jabba was incredibly intelligent, fat, lazy and ruthless. You don't come to control a major criminal element without being intelligent.

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