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Submission + - New sensory system found in the skin (

mmmscience writes: Researches have found a new sensory system in the skin that is completely separate from the traditional nerve network that gives us the sense of touch. The new system, comprised of sensory nerves found on blood vessels and sweat glands, is not nearly as potent, but does allow people to sense temperatures and textures. The research suggests that the system may play a role in chronic pain disorders such as migraines and fibromyalgia, conditions whose causes remain a mystery.

Comment DUH! (Score 1) 671

All he is saying is that if you want complete privacy you shouldn't be using the cloud or internet services. Everyone already knows this. Apply a real world scenario:
You are a criminal, and you don't want to be found. Intuitively you would not open a checking account under your real name, get a membership at the local fitness club, or do anything else that someone looking for you will use to find you.

How is Google any different? They have to abide by laws, that means surrendering user data when required legally by law enforcement (illegally is an entirely different matter). If you want complete privacy, don't use google. I never ever for one second think that what I type and send across the internet is private, unless it is explicitly said so and the connection is encrypted. I think that its pretty common sense to assume so.

Comment Don't act like an Intern (Score 1) 325

I am a Computer Engineering student and for the past few years I have been interning at a Fortune 500.
Don't act like an Intern. If you act like an Intern, you will always be looked at as an Intern. Remember, the goal of your internship is to possibly land a job at that company, or at least to have them recommend you to a new employer. You don't want everyone always telling you to do their odd jobs and shit, so show that you are more valuable than that. For the first few months or so, find someone that likes to teach, and become their student. Learn as much about corporate life as you do about technology. Then, start taking on projects of your own. Show that given a assignment, you can complete it and compile a report to present to your boss. Once they see that you are independent, you will be a valuable asset even though your technical skills may still need to develop. And 8$/hr, wtf? I made more than that stocking cans at the local grocery store. Sorry to be such a dick but you are worth more than that. Are you working in China or India by any chance?

Comment Re:Is it just me ? (Score 5, Informative) 173

Amdahl's law is not like Moore's "law". Amdahl's law is an observation of mathematics. You can't ever get around the fact that if you increase the performance of 90% of the instructions in a program, you still have to deal with the other 10%. Even if you increase the performance of 90% of the instructions by 100x or something large, if the other 10% take a long time (like disk access) its going to kill your performance.

Comment Re:Excellent! (Score 1) 575

I finally figured out why you can't divide by zero; 10/2=5, 5/2=2.5, but if you use numbers smaller than one it is reversed; 1/.5=2, 1/.05=20, so anything divided by zero would be infinity. Is the universe infinite?

You can't divide by zero because it is irrational. Take a set of objects in you home and divide them into 0 groups. You are correct, however, that as you take the limit of x as it approaches zero, 1/x goes to infinity. Taking limits as numbers approach zero or infinity (positive or negative) is a fundamental of differential calculus. Limits is how we work around the cant divide by zero problem. BTW, if you get a correct answer about the nature of the universe, let me know. I don't believe we have determined that yet.

Comment Re:Garbage collector? (Score 1) 587

Java has a concept of "new," but it doesn't have a "delete." (Well, the concept exists behind the cutain, but programmers never delete things themselves when using Java.)

finalize() is what the GC called to destroy an object. Every object inherits it from the Object class (duh), so if you want to do some memory management yourself, go ahead and give finalize() a call.

Comment Infinite Loop (Score 1) 453

A0:Big news corp. tells public they must pay for content. GOTO A1

A1:Consumers don't want to pay for sub-par content. Consumers tell (by not giving big news corp their $$) big news corp. they will pay if content is worth paying for. GOTO A2

A2:Big news corp. tells consumers they must pay for content because big news corp. must pay "journalists" to create better content. GOTO A1

Thats just how I see the situation.

Comment Re:A third of a mile makes it a moon? (Score 1) 102

Yes, you can. Although you may have to apply a "let" suffix.

See:Natural Satellite. "There is no established lower limit on what should be considered a moon. Every body with an identified orbit, some as small as a kilometer across, has been identified as a moon, though objects a tenth that size within Saturn's rings, which have not been directly observed, have been called moonlets. Small asteroid moons, such as Dactyl, have also been called moonlets."

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I tell them to turn to the study of mathematics, for it is only there that they might escape the lusts of the flesh. -- Thomas Mann, "The Magic Mountain"
