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Comment Re:In spirit I share your sacrafice! (Score 1) 341

They could do what Romney did as governor of Massachusetts and opt to not take a paycheck at all. Even obama is returning 5% of his 400,000 salary. Now if only he would cancel some of his million dollar vacations...

I find it interesting that you chose to capitalize the name of one man and not the other. I also find it interesting that you pick on the only man holding elected office now who has made a token gesture (insufficient as it is) and not the hundreds who have made no gesture at all. Let's give (a little) credit where credit is due and stop muddying the waters.

Comment Re:good. (Score 1) 341

Although I certainly take your point, ethics begin with the individual. "I was following orders" isn't a better excuse today than it was 70 years ago. No person is forced to do anything. Our bloody history is a testament to the failure of ethical and moral fortitude of the military at all levels.

Comment Re:Awesome! (Score 1) 306

I agree, but observing my siblings I've come to the conclusion that all parents are, to one degree or another, overprotective parents. It's instinctive, and understandable. I would never have encouraged the kids to go to the dark corners of the interwebs either, but when I knew they were I felt it was my responsibility as the "cool uncle" to be okay with it and help them understand some things about appropriateness (there's a time and a place), irony, trolling, and stupid people.

To me, it's just more evidence that no "nuclear" family is an island. All people have blind spots, and what kids need more than anything else is more exposure, context, and role models.

Comment Re:Sense of proportion (Score 1) 346

I have access to Whole Foods, but I cannot afford to shop there except occasionally (once a month or so). I eat almost exclusively self-cooked food, and I'm a label-reader (and for what it's worth, I'm in the low end of the BMI).

I don't exactly disagree with what you're saying, but the harsh reality is that not everyone has enough money to eat in a healthy balanced way AND only buy the "good" products. Most people, even informed people with access, have to make a choice.

Finally, I'm not an expert on this topic, but from what I understand there is no FDA requirement to list HFCS on ingredients. If the label says "sugar" it's at least as likely to be HFCS as anything else. If I'm mistaken in that, and you have a link handy, I'd love to read it. My google-fu is weak today.

Comment Re:In spirit I share your sacrafice! (Score 1) 341

Yes and no - one of the reforms enacted in the past is that a sitting congress can only alter pay of future congresses, not their own. Presumably, this is designed to keep a sitting congress from voting themselves $1 billion or something similarly outrageous in salary.

They could still refund a portion of their salaries. Most (if not all) wouldn't even have to tighten their belts if they refunded 100% for a year or two, and it would be a major gesture of solidarity.

I mean, they won't, because fuck us, that's why. But they could.

Comment Re:good. (Score 3, Insightful) 341

I can think of a fantastic way for the US military to reduce recruiting costs AND increase recruiting.

Operate ethically. Stop going to war for lies and treasure. Demonstrate (not just talk about) care for servicefolks and vets.

I almost applied to enlist in the AF as a teenager, but in the end my conscience couldn't support it. I wanted to support my country, but the politics of the last half century of American warfare has made most of the country appropriately skeptical. I was worried that I'd be used as a murderbot and then dumped if I break. My recent experiences talking with some new vets has confirmed my worst fears, too. I still think I made the right choice, but it makes me sad as well.

If the military thinks advertising and PR can "fix" their recruiting problems without altering their actual behavior, they're acting like every huge corporation - actions don't matter, only spin. It's sickening.

Comment Re:good. (Score 4, Insightful) 341

Yes and local businesses who depend on these air shows for tourist income will flirt with failure and pit more people out of work, fucktard.

So let's take the money and use it to start fixing our massive national infrastructure problems. Because... you know. Hiring people to do work that needs doing seems like a more efficient way to put people to work than showing off fancy airplanes.

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