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Comment Re:Thank Goodness... (Score 1, Troll) 218

If he doesn't agree, he's free to protest it.

Huh? Oh, he's dead? Then why the fuck should he care? Oh, his kids (or whoever inherited the "rights" to it)? Why the fuck should they have any rights to it in the first place? What rights do the kids of the architect designing my house have, what's their say when I decide to tear down part of it and remodel it? Huh? What do you mean, not even the architect himself has no say?

What's the difference between an author, painter or composer and an architect, bricklayer, plumber or carpenter? "Art"? Please listen to contemporary music and show me how this is more "art" than a carpenter's creation of a table. If anything, the latter is more art and less "handiwork" than the former.

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