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Comment Re:If you are self-taught (Score 3) 82

I've met many degreed developers who also fall flat in their face when it comes to asynchronous issues. I also learnt nothing about them in my comp 'sci' degree. Had to self teach all that stuff. I learned a few things at uni, but the vast majority of what I do has nothing to do with what I learned there.

Comment Re:I have never understood this... (Score 1) 50

It did lead to inflation. Share prices and house prices have been shooting upwards for a long time - though not in Japan - your country's mileage may vary. It took time for those prices to reach other goods. The war in Ukraine was one of the triggers that caused money to be pulled out of stocks, where it was then able to increase money supply in the general economy. If the QE had made its way to consumer hands directly, then measured inflation would have gone up sooner.

In Japan, people have been steadfastly refusing to spend money - and prefer to save risk-free (so not buying shares), so although the money supply increased, it wasn't making its way into the general economy - therefore not stimulating the economy as the government planned - also not leading to inflationary pressure. Japan's current inflation is largely caused by supply side pressures rather than money supply issues.

Of course it's possible to print money without causing price inflation - but if that money becomes available to consumers and they use it, then prices will go up because of the simple fact that a typical business trying to make a profit will charge as much as possible. A consumerist society such as the U.S. will have price inflation occur a lot more quickly.

I guess the answer is to make sure that when you print money, it never makes its way to the poor people :P

Comment Re:I have never understood this... (Score 1) 50

Because we don't have a magic crystal ball to see the future.

Don't need to see the future when the same thing has already happened in the past. I.e. printing lots of money => inflation. Whodathunkit!?!

Yet these same citizens were happy to get their Covid stimulus checks.

The French citizens didn't get a general one - just replacement salaries for losing work. Many industries got their share of a few billion euros though.

Comment Re:Employees should talk about their wages (Score 1) 128

As a fairly friendly person, I happen to know what most of my direct colleagues are paid. I know some incompetent but arrogant people that get paid a lot more than other extremely competent people. It seems people get paid depending on how good they are at convincing HR that they are good. So personally I don't really care about how the pay is decided. It's never gonna be fair - we could make it based on objective factors like 'years of experience' and 'certificates achieved' rather than easily fudged things like 'performance' and 'ability', but it still wouldn't be fair.

In my experience, a lot of 'top contributers' are simply extremely good at raising their own flag.

To conclude - I don't care how they do it. It will still end up in manipulative people getting paid more.

N.b. I am perfectly happy with how much I get paid.

Comment Re: Virus origin is unknown (Score 1) 97

If we get suspicious of China, then we're racist? OK, great logic there. I'm very suspicious of China, and the US for that matter, I must be quite the racist.

That being said, it doesn't seem that surprising that a lot of new diseases would appear in the most populous countries, so nothing triggers my suspicion here.

Comment Re:I don't think this makes sense (Score 2) 25

Not sure what your point is here? Speed of sound in water is roughly 4x the speed of sound in air. Depending on air pressure, and water/air temperature etc. And I'm definitely a layman with only a high school knowledge of physics.

Shockwaves by definition travel faster than the speed of sound in any given medium,

Also, what??? 'mere vulcano'? Volcanos can produce massive explosions with unimaginable amounts of energy. Granted the Tongan volcano eruption released only as much energy as a small nuclear bomb (about 100 Hiroshimas) but they can be much more powerful than that.

If we're taking about shockwaves traveling through water, talking about the speed of sound in air is a bit pointless. Also, they don't keep a constant speed

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