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Comment Re:Hint to secure email (Score 1) 986

Problem is, that's just another single point of failure.

The SMTP protocol needs to be replaced root-and-branch. All messages should be mandatorily encrypted, all transport should be encrypted and, ideally, email addresses should not be tied to a particular provider. (I admit I'm racking my brain on that last one).

Comment Re:GNUpg To The Help (Score 1) 986

All emails should be encrypted pont-to-point anyway. This has pretty much been true since day 2 of the SMTP protocol and probably true back through UUCP. There is no reason why not, the big email clients (Outlook and Thuderbird) have all the necessary bits and pieces built-in. It should have been made an obvious option over a number of years and then switched to the default a long time ago. Even before all this NSA nonsense, the geek mail admin down the hall has typically been able to read a huge amount of private and sensitive material and that is just stupid. Trust is one thing but why put information in the hands of anyone who does not need access?

Heck, it might even have cut down on some of the hideous spam explosion we've seen.

Comment Re:The Fascists Have Won (Score 1) 986

You see it this way because you're looking at the politics the wrong way. Obama is somewhat left wing but he is mostly extremely statist. The Republican party is, on average, somewhat right wing but also mostly extremely statist.

You are presumable moderate left so you tend to look at everything you disagree with as right wing. It's not. That's just a lie to get you to side with left-wing statists. They're just as bad as the ones you seem to despise but you'll vote for them anyway.

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