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Comment Re:I'm totally holding out (Score 1) 89

You do not need to have an FDA. We could just as easily get by with a private organization that certifies food and drugs as safe. The same way UL does. Bureaucracy is evil because they suck way more out of innovation and the economy than they need to. They kill jobs, slow innovation and hurt people all in the name of paperwork.

The FDA banning a drug for a child dying of cancer because its safety has not been established is evil and stupid. As long as the parents and or the child knows that it could be unsafe they should have the right to attempt to live. Bureaucracy stops that. Bureaucracy at the FDA kills people for paperwork. Bureaucracy allows bad drugs to be marketed if the paperwork is filled out. Bureaucracy is an attempt to make intelligent and fair decisions by taking all though out of the decision and hoping that well written paperwork will fix it.

It does not. It just allows people to not care about the decisions they make because "They" are not making them. So they can allow evil to happen to others if the "Paperwork/Rules" say it is so.

Bureaucracies take the humanity out of decisions and therefore do evil. If you do not believe me thing of DMVs. A person that is a really good driver that takes his hands off the wheel too many times is not given a license. A person that barely squeaks through the test but the inspector can tell that they have no business on the road are given their papers to go out and kill on the road. They passed the test. "What could I do?"

Also bureaucracies kill the drive of the people working in them. You move up by filling out the forms and moving on. Finding problems and attempting to fix them is just "Making trouble". The creation of loads of government bureaucratic drones from caring, driven, human stock is evil. For what they do to those using them and those working within them, a bureaucracy is evil. It's intentions may be good but whenever possible replace them.

Comment Re: Code of practice? (Score 1) 227

Blah, Blah, Blah

Yes there are many funtions we need a government for. What does that have to do with the fact that they suck at it?

Sure, none of these are done perfectly, but they're done adequately for the function of society;

No. It is not adequate. They are expensive and bad at it. It took FEMA 5 days to get water to the people in the stadium. Not "Because "Bush". Because government sucks at doing things. So you want them doing only a very few things that only government should do. Because THEY SUCK!

for contrast look at all the countries which don't bother with these functions.

So where there is no functioning government "Things Suck". That is the argument you are making to tell me how great government employees are?

It's great to be a rich person in the developing world, but not so great if you have no guarantee that your savings account won't vanish, or that the president's cousin won't steal your startup if it gets profitable, or that the steel you buy is of correct tensile strength, or that your employees are educated and healthy.

It is funny to me that you think those things do not happen now.

These are tasks that private companies won't or can't take on for any amount, mostly due to the vast scales involved.

Underwriters Laboratory. Look it up.

The wonder is how well the government agencies do, with a hugely overworked and underpaid staff.

Citation Needed. Mostly because the pay plus benefits of government employees are above that of private workers.

Of course, the previous administration's attempts to privatize the military ended the suggestions that private companies could do that particular function better.

Oh good. "But Bush!". Glad you got that in there. That really helped pull together your argument.

Comment Re:Definition of Abuse (Score 5, Insightful) 227

Except, as it says in TFA, the guy now "welcomes cold calls". I can see the point of slugging cold-callers with what is effectively a "fine", but once you go to the extreme of extending unsolicited calls just for the revenue, then that is just profiteering.

I am cool with that. If they do not want to pay him for his time they can choose to not call him.

Comment Re:How is that an "upshot"? (Score 5, Insightful) 167

So you would rather bad companies just go completely free than compensate an attorney for his or her work?

These lawsuits are not about the people "harmed". They are a deal between two crooks. the crook getting sued gets protection from their bad acts and the crook doing the suit gets cash. Those that were "harmed" get a coupon for future purchases.

Comment Re:Hey I know! (Score 0) 159

Nope, a Fox news talking head.

Because the right are the only spinners out there.

I love idiots like you. Pick a side that makes you feel good and root for them. Hate the other guy and watch as the other side ruins the country. It does not matter. You are a fool. Neither side wants an informed, empowered public. They want you watching "So you think you can dance" on the left and "Duck Dynasty" on the right. While they pass laws that they are immune from.

You here all the talk about how Washington has exempted themselves from the very law they created. This though is not new. The critters running things in D.C. are immune from insider trading laws as well and have been for a very long time.

Comment Re:Idiocracy (Score 1) 628

What if I place a phone call to someone I know, or "have a special reason to know", may be driving?

Idiocracy was supposed to be a comedy, not a how to instruction manual.

Its not really about how you could have known.

This is about money. If the guy on the other end of the phone has more money than the guy driving he will be included as a target to maximize profit.

Fuck Lawyers.

Comment Re:1 EUR == 1 USD?!?! (Score 1) 151

Some things need to be "Socialized" National Defense, Highways, Roads, Communications, Power, Water, Sewer. Nothing is cheaper and better when socialized. The question is what "Needs" to be socialized. Because I am sure we can all agree that anything that does not absolutely need it will be worse off due to it.

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