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Comment Re:GM Goodness? (Score 1) 208

The original claim you made was in essence:

[Monsanto has falsely claimed that] ONLY their GM technique could produce a roundup ready plant

But their statement is pretty much true. With the exception of bizarrely unlikely scenarios, like viral transfer and complete coincidence, genes from bacteria are not going to show up in plants by natural means.

Now you seems to want "crossed with with a GM variety" to mean the same thing as "produced without GM techniques", which is getting absurd.

Some poor schmoe gets sued for patent violations when in reality the patented gene has violated his crop.

Which is why we need more research.

Comment Re:When will we learn? (Score 1) 70

Because in spite of it all they're still human beings. you racist asshole.

Although that remains open to debate, I didn't ask why we don't turn them into a sheet of glass, moron. And for the record, religion doesn't count as a race, however fucked up it may make its adherents.

I asked why we still play nice with people who clearly behave in a manner that makes them the enemies of the rest of the human race. Not whites, not Christians, but humans. Diseases don't fall for type-II statistical errors such as racism. Diseases like genes that we all, arabs and jews and blacks and whites and hispanics, all share in common.

But by all means, rage against that machine, friend! Piss in the wind while dying of TB because of distrust of Western pharmaceuticals. Blow up our buildings as we try to save us all, and then whine about the unfairness of it when we vaporize your asses from orbit. Send more soiled underwear bombers to take down the Great Satan, so we can have another brief chuckle as you successfully make the world a worse place by stripping the Great Experiment of its freedoms.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 1233

One of those listed as a "victim of McCarthyism" was Albert Einstein, would you care to explain in what way he was a victim of McCarthyism? The linked article merely asserts that he was, but I am unaware of anything which would qualify him as a victim. Another one on that list was Dashiell Hammett who was jailed for contempt of court for failing to provide information regarding fugitives from justice who's bail had been supplied by an organization of which he was the trustee. This "persecution" was not a product of his being a suspected communist. This occurred because the government believed that he had information which might lead to the whereabouts of a fugitive from justice.
I am sorry, but neither of these men were as far as I can tell "victims of McCarthyism". I am not going to bother going through the rest of the list to see if maybe some of the rest were.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 1233

So, people who had perjured themselves paid a price for committing perjury. Sorry, I don't see a problem here. If they had not lied under oath, they would not have been in the position they were in.

Comment When will we learn? (Score 2) 70

Point 1: I see nowhere in that article where Faisal's Bastards managed to suppress publication of actual information about MERS. It makes the same claim (word for word) as the FP, but substantiates it... Not at all?

Point 2: So - The vast majority of the 9/11 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia; they count as the #1 contributor to OPEC (how do you like fracking now, bitches?), and... They seem intent on covering up the next pandemic? Someone remind me why we keep playing nice with these worthless misogynist theocratic pieces of dog shit?

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 1233

Once more, give me an example of someone who's life was ruined by McCarthyism who was not working to bring about the destruction of the U.S. government.
You made some very strong statements there, but without specifics there is no way to know if what you said accurately reflects the situation.
When I was in school, there were several people who were used as examples of how McCarthyism destroyed people's lives. All of the examples which I was taught in school turned out to be active spies for the Soviet Union. So, I am asking people to give me some examples, by name, of people who's lives were ruined by McCarthyism.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 1233

Well, I have no idea if he was truly a communist spy or not. The case can certainly be made that McCarthyism drove him into the arms of the Chinese Communists and assisted them in developing their rocket program. Of course, it could be argued that he would have helped them anyway (which would have been the claim of those who went after him). I will not reject him as a victim, but his later work for the Chinese government leaves doubt in my mind as to whether he was a victim of false accusations (if someone can show me a significant number of victims of false accusations, I will be willing to consider him one of them. Without that, he remains a question mark). Although, this is a start towards what I was asking for.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 1233

Most of those who were blacklisted had some interest in communism as a political philosophy at some point (particularly the 1930's, when the commies were more-or-less on our side against the fascists), and many had rejected it after Stalin took over in Russia.

That sentence contradicts itself. Stalin took over in Russia in 1924. So, if they supported communism in the 1930's, it was while Stalin was in charge in the Soviet Union. It would also have been while Stalin was purging the Soviet Union of those not sufficiently supportive of him and starving millions of his people. And, oh yeah, Stalin signed the non-aggression pact with Hitler in 1939.
While Hitler had positioned himself as the opponent of Communism, Stalin recognized that there was nothing in Nazi ideology that was inherently hostile to Communism. The only point of difference was Nazism emphasis on ethnic purity and the superiority of the ethnically German.
The fact of the matter is that the Communist Party USA was a puppet organization of the KGB whose dual purpose was to gather useful intelligence for the Soviet Union and to work for the overthrow of the US government. While a very few members were unaware of this, the majority of those who joined it in the 30's, 40's and 50's supported at least the latter of those two agendas (and of those most approved the former as a path to the latter).

Comment Re:GM Goodness? (Score 1) 208

given cross pollination I would say that natural breeding could produce a roundup READY plant or a roundup resistant plant

Except that "cross pollinating with a RR strain" isn't "natural breeding".

Their argument has been that roundup resistance (including roundup ready) is a disadvantage to the plant in the absence of roundup and so the trait wouldn't last under natural selection. However, TFA indicates that we can't be so sure of that.

That is a surprise, and needs to be looked into. But even if it turns out not to be a disadvantage ... OK, so resistance shows up earlier than expected ... and ... ?

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