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Comment Re:Simple economics: (Score 1) 932

This might work for friends, but people tend to forget those infant years of their life when their parents did literally every thing for them, and then in your school-age years when they still provided for nearly all of your daily needs. As frustrating as it is for me, I do it with out too much griping because I know it was my parents that bought me my first computer, let me have the freedom to explore it, fed and housed me for 19 years, and never once asked for any thing more than an occasional chore. A few hours of annoyance one or twice a month seems like a small price to pay when all things are considered.

Comment Re:Perfect example (Score 1) 512

I think the issue here is more akin to trademarks rather than IP. It sounds to me like the inventors of Go! are not claiming that Google just ripped off their language, but are upset that the new Google language was named in a confusingly similar manner to theirs. This can then confuse people generally looking for Go! rather than Go.

Comment Re:Penalties (Score 1) 657

I assume that the logic there would be that the mathematics existed prior to the discovery of it. The Pythagorean theorem is a law of nature governing right triangles, Pythagoras didn't just sit down one day and "invent" an equation that solved for triangle side lengths, he discovered it. On the other hand, if I write a new snippet of code to solve a problem I am having, I invented a solution to the problem.

Comment Re:Yup (Score 1) 230

They're making lots of money from all those iPhone users, they can afford to upgrade their network.

When I worked in the wireless industry (about 9 months ago) the income for the actual company wasn't that great. It took the company I worked for a little over a year to actually start making profit on an average customer. Even when I worked for the industry I tried not to buy their kool-aid, but this figure I actually believed since I worked for a smaller local company who's owners and executives were quite open and, at times, honestly blunt with us.

Comment Re:Wait a minute (Score 1) 377

There's a key difference here, mate:

Commander: Go to Iraq, soldier! Soldier: No sir, I don't want to. Commander: Then get out of the military.

RIAA: Hi lawyer, would you like to sue people for us? Lawyer: No, I only accept legitimate cases. RIAA: Okay then.

Lawyers can turn down cases and keep their job.

So the Law profession is the exact opposite of every other industry? Every employer I've heard of fires you when you tell your boss you refuse to do what the company has set forth as policy.

You can safely bet that if I tell my boss that I'm going to turn down supporting a new application because I don't believe in promoting horrible products, I'd be out the door by lunch.

Comment Re:Think of the children (Score 2, Interesting) 1044

IANAL, but the school officials were not conducting a search, but confiscating a something per a school regulation, so the chain of custody of the phone is not an issue, but the students right to privacy my have been violated if the official looked through the phones pictures with out some sort of cause, ie suspected the kids of cheating.

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