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Comment Re:Virtue signalling (Score 1) 810

This is actually handled by feminist theory, as well as race theory.

The principal, true or false (I'm somewhat ambivalent about the whole thing) is that you can only be racist/sexist towards an oppressed class, because that is a structural issue and problem.

It's basically the idea that punching down is never okay, while punching up is fine.

The argument is a collectivist one, meaning, it's okay to make the lives of individuals worse as long as it promotes greater equality overall.

Comment Re:Suggestion: (Score 5, Informative) 82

Intel is by far the single company writing most of the linux kernel.
Nr 1: Intel 12.9%
Nr 2: Red Hat 8.0%
The rest are 4% or under, while about 15% can not be attributed to companies.

Meaning, a lot of those man-hours ARE intel man-hours, especially since they primarily focus on making their own hardware work well in linux...

Comment Re:And 22% or so have no realistic self-image (Score 1) 224

I don't feel up to digging up studies, but, the point generally being made is not over a single day or even a week.
It's that over time, 6 hour is the most productive amount of time to spend per day.

When you push beyond that, you get slightly more tired and work slightly less efficient overall.

Myself, I've noticed that a 12-13 hour day works fine when needed, with high results as long as you get to avoid annoying distractions.
But the days after are slow-burning to compensate.

Also, in reality, how many people actually focus on work for 8 hours during an 8 hour work day?
"startup phase" When you get to work and coming back from lunch plus "oh, only 10 minutes until next meeting/time to leave" add up to easily two hours a day in my experience. Especially if you count in stupid meetings.

Comment Encryption costs them (Score 1) 258

The reason they want to avoid encrypted files is to avoid the issues around dedup and encrypted files.
The reason their service is so cheap is that they can use dedup very extensively, especially when people are storing the same documents.
This is way harder to do with encrypted files.

Comment Re: Article 27 GDPR was the breaking point (Score 2) 176

Out of curiosity, which part did you think you didn't comply with?
The regulations are basically:
Tell the user what data s/he stores and why.
Let the user decide if you are allowed to keep the data, unless there is a valid reason to keep it.
Don't lie about what you store.

Honestly, that is about it.

The fees?
They come after EU tells you to stop what you are doing and you refuse to comply...

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