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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 22 declined, 4 accepted (26 total, 15.38% accepted)


Submission + - Human role in global warming a load of hot air

mrbluze writes: "Ian Plimer, award winning geologist of Adelaide University, has given a talk which debunks the popular human-centric causative theory of global warming. Arguing that human production of carbon dioxide accounts for only 0.1% of total levels, he also doubts that melting of polar icecaps has anything to do with human activity:

"Great icebergs come off, not due to temperature change but due to the physics of ice and the flow of ice," Prof Plimer said.
"There's a lag, so that if temperature rises, carbon dioxide rises 800 years later.
"If ice falls into the ocean in icebergs that's due to processes thousands of years ago."
He attributes global climate change as being almost entirely due to solar and geological activity."

Submission + - Invisibility Cloak a Reality?

mrbluze writes: "The invisibility cloak may not be a fantasy after all, according to Prof. Shalaev of Purdue University, Indiana. The ABC (Australia) article describes:

"The design calls for tiny metal needles to be fitted into a hairbrush-shaped cone at angles and lengths that would force light to pass around the cloak. This would make everything inside the cone appear to vanish because the light would no longer reflect off it."
Great. Now my wife will bug me every time she can't find her invisible hairbrush!"

Submission + - GPL v3 Release Timetable Set

mrbluze writes: "Linux.com has an article by Bruce Byfield regarding the timeline for the GPLv3 drafting and release. Despite many delays it now appears that the Free Software Foundation has a plan for the coming months and expects the third draft GPLv3 to be released on "Wednesday, March 27" (although that date is really last Tuesday .. are we talking about 2007?), with a final draft 60 days later. The FSF will be having a telephone hot-line available to answer questions and, according to the article, they seem to be quite open to comment and debate on what should go into the license. One could expect GPLv3 to be released sometime in June/July this year."

Submission + - Don't look sideways

mrbluze writes: "The Telegraph has an opinion article about the future of the extensive CCTV network in the United Kingdom. Automated analysis of how and where people are walking or otherwise moving, and what objects they carry or leave behind, flags the attention of security staff. This is meant to preempt a crime and make suspects identifiable even by gait. The technology is of questionable public benefit since street crime has not decreased despite the presence of CCTV.

I for one can foresee the day when you will get locked up for goose-stepping (hate crime), get sent adverts for physiotherapy if seen limping, and get sent to the loony bin if for some reason you decide to walk backwards whilst talking to yourself."

Submission + - The rise of the laptop

mrbluze writes: "According to a BBC report, that laptop sales will outstrip desktop sales by 2011.

What does this imply for the future of operating system development? Do we need to place greater emphasis on instant-on systems and ergonomics than previously?"

Submission + - FBI in Cohoots with Verizon, AT&T, MCI

mrbluze writes: "In the ongoing FBI probe, Wired News confirms that the FBI did enter into contracts with telephone companies to "harvest" telephone records.

"The contract essentially pays for the man hours or the personnel cost for the people who have to do the work," said FBI Assistant Director John Miller in an interview with Wired News last night. "We want dedicated people who handle our requests or do nothing else."

I have read elsewhere that security organizations have deals with operating system and other software manufacturers to provide back-doors to PC's. How widespread is all of this privacy invasion in reality?"

Submission + - Viacom to sue YouTube for $1bn

mrbluze writes: "The BBC reports that Viacom will sue YouTube for $1bn due to alleged copyright violations. Google, having integrated YouTube, is also a defendant.

The article states: "Viacom alleges that about 160,000 unauthorised clips of its programmes have been loaded onto YouTube's site and viewed more than 1.5 billion times."

Is this an interesting test-case for copyright law, or a carefully timed attack on YouTube now that it has big money behind it?"

Submission + - Pi fans have their day

mrbluze writes: "This Wednesday is Pi Day, writes Erin McClaim, Associated Press — a day where people go nuts about the number.

From the article: That day falls on Wednesday this year: March 14. Or 3.14. Obviously.... the world record [for reciting the number Pi] belongs to Chao Lu, a Chinese chemistry student, who rattled off 67,890 digits over 24 hours in 2005. It took 26 video tapes to submit to Guinness.

I think I'll be inviting mum over so she can bake a shepherd's pi for us on Wednesday."

Submission + - 20 must-have Firefox extensions

mrbluze writes: "Computerworld has an article: http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?com mand=viewArticleBasic&taxonomyName=development&art icleId=9011975&taxonomyId=11&intsrc=kc_feat which reviews 20 useful Firefox extensions. I must admit this was a very fruitful read and identified some extensions that don't usually come up when you browse the 'popular' list on the website.

Do fellow slashdotters have other extensions they cannot live without?"

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