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Comment Re:Fracking Halleluja (Score 1) 344

I kind of agree here. The thought that some almighty being exists is just silly to me, but that doesn't mean we can ignore issues with our current theory. We need to talk about them, _without_ offering up the god-theory. The problem is the religious teachers would use this as a way to do just that.

Comment Laptop (Score 1) 931

I'm certain that this situation wouldn't apply in most schools, but I took all my notes on my laptop (and continue to do so through college).

Good luck trying to get on my laptop without my permission. I'll get violent.

Also, about the backpack, I wouldn't have let the teacher go inside. I would rather be kicked out of school and sue them then let a teacher think he/she has the right to go in my personal property without my permissions.

Comment Two issues here (Score 1) 501

First of all, Debian is _not_ free. It's free-er than Ubuntu, but that doesn't make it free.

Secondly, how does using the nvidia drivers make one a newbie? For compositing and very useful window-managing effects that I get with compiz, I _have_ to run the nvidia drivers.

Not only that, but my video cards won't let me run 4 monitors without using twinview.

Comment How is this news? (Score 1) 515

How is this even news? Of course Ubuntu is faster.

For another difference, I calculated a million digits of pi in both windows XP and Ubuntu on the same machine (dual boot).

In Ubuntu, my time was 5.7s
In Windows XP, my time was more than 14s

I can confirm this, though, that in windows I get slower speeds. I get roughly the same as the OP, even.

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