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Comment So take this with a grain of salt (Score 1) 257

Because I'm not even going to pretend to understand the physics and math behind it but supposedly the first law of thermodynamics breaks down in sufficiently small systems.

That would kind of answer why it is that even though we can create a total vacuum inside that total vacuum things just kind of pop into existence for no reason we can explain....

Oh and if your system isn't a closed system none of it applies anyway.

None of this is to say that this guy with his magic propulsion system should be trusted with any money. Like the grandparents said this can and should be demonstrated on the ground

Comment That only applies if there's not competition (Score 3, Insightful) 37

if the companies have to compete then they can't just pass whatever costs are on down to the consumer.

So I guess it's a good thing we didn't just spend the last 44 years gutting anti-trust law enforcement in favor of getting bogged down on pointless culture war issues & moral panics...

Wait a second...

Comment I don't think the problem is regulatory capture (Score 3, Insightful) 51

I think the problem is that we think of regulators as bureaucrats instead of as law enforcement. We mentally categorized them differently so we let them get away with behavior we would never in a million years allow with our police. We need to remember that the guys who enforce antitrust law and who Force Rich tax cheats to pay their taxes are cops just like any other cop.

Comment You're just using the word "populism" (Score 1) 258

because of it's negative connotations. The same way fascists and other anti-democracy elements have for centuries now. It's an argument used to strip voting rights from some segments of the population and with it the right to self govern.

I don't even know if you're aware you're doing it, but if not this is your signal to stop taking pot shots at Democracy.

Comment Not a chance (Score 3, Insightful) 51

good enough is always good enough. If that wasn't the case 90% of us wouldn't be typing out /. posts on a windows PC.

And good enough can be shockingly terrible, especially when we've had 40 years of non stop mega mergers and zero anti-trust law enforcement. They could care less what you, the customer think, because your options are to shop at one of the other companies they either own or own a controlling share in or go without.

And increasingly "go without" isn't an option because they're buying critical infrastructure.

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