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Comment Re:1/0 in the compactification of the reals (Score 1) 951

The user did not ask for a limit of division when the divisor approaches 0 but the number representing mathematical result of dividing another number in zero even parts. Mathematics assigns no meaning to such operation (it is not defined). Claiming it will get you infinity is either mathematical blasphemy or utter ignorance. The fact that IEEE might define a state for when a cpu tries to calculate it (NaN - which btw really is NOT a number), does not change the cold fact that doing so is an error and has to result in an error message.

Comment Re:Do away with them (Score 1) 951

This is actually very nice and neat usability design for this particular case, but how would it work in other circumstances, such as no network connection, no scanner connected, disk io error, random memory error caused by broken hardware or cosmic radiation, printer on fire or any other hardware malfunction ?

Comment Re:Gov't for the people, by the people (Score 1) 630

Brain cells are not re-cultivated (although there some exceptions in a certain area of the brain). When a brain cell dies, another brain cells will likely extend their dendrites and axon terminals to take over the old cell's duties. If too much brain cells dies, the remaining cells wont be able to compensate.

Haskell 2010 Announced 173

paltemalte writes "Simon Marlow has posted an announcement of Haskell 2010, a new revision of the Haskell purely functional programming language. Good news for everyone interested in SMP and concurrency programming."

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