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Comment Coddling (Score 1) 82

It's really weird the way that online communication in games have turned. It used to be that if someone annoyed you or said shitty things or things you don't like, you block them. It's super easy.

But, that takes action on the part of the player.

Now the target seems to be to not even allow that to happen in the first place. The target seems to be to completely control speech. I'm sure if major platforms could get away with it, they would only allow communication with pre-selected words and phrases (Nintendo did that for some of their online communications IIRC).

The absolute hilarious thing is that there was a beginning framework for a great solution with Xbox Live. You had zones that you would put yourself into: Recreation, Pro, Family, Underground. Those are pretty clear categories, though back then they really didn't mean anything (it was just a label to apply to yourself and didn't actually do anything from what I recall). Why not set up that framework? Have a person pick a zone, and then opt-in to be able to communicate with other zones. If someone in the Family zone is acting like an Underground zone, they can be re-labeled accordingly.

Comment I'm for VR, just not from FaceBook (Score 1) 119

I just don't trust Meta to do it right. With how oddly heavy-handed they are with moderation, I barely trust FB itself (mainly on because that's where the people I know are). I would like the other products that come from Meta, but I have zero desire to become any more ingrained in the Meta ecosystem.

Comment Re:Not the party of loyalty oaths (Score 1) 169

I think it does. You're totally right that it's a big tent and interests don't always align. But in most cases, there are 2 that tend to buck whenever everyone else is in step.

Because the DNC leadership almost never pushes someone out

Yeah, because doing that pushes someone to the right. There's not much they can really do. If there was a bigger majority then they (the DINOs) would have less power.

Comment Re:Clutch those pearls! (Score 2, Informative) 316

I don't remember any of that. I would've because that would've made me much more excited to vote for him. I was lukewarm because he was mainly running on "I'm not Trump", and I only voted for him because I was voting against Trump. Along with Harris and her "I don't have time for that" comments about marijuana reform, this is honestly a pretty big surprise.

Comment Re:More like... (Score 1) 183

You (along with everyone else) never made any justification of why social media should be a common carrier. It works for a person to person system such as a phone call or sending a letter, but not so much for public broadcast. You just need to look to the bastions of free speech to see what pseudo anonymous public messaging systems turn into.

I mean, it's social media? You're being fairly flippant with the term free speech, like you think that banning certain topics or ideologies couldn't ever be turned against you. That's fine if you don't want free speech, but a lot of us do.

Do you want everything to be 4chan (or worse)? Because that's what you get when you ban moderation. For some real fun you can join me in my daily game of "Browse at -1 and count the ACs posting swastikas". I completely and utterly disagree with what you said, but I still think your post of view is worth seeing whereas theirs is not. Or do you think your post is as insightful as a swastika?

That's not really a good example. ASCII art of the swastika is just spam. But that's not really the issue here, and I think you know that. At the end of the day I should get to choose what content I do or don't see on sites like FB. If someone is saying stuff I don't like, it's extremely easy for me to block that content. Why should someone else be judge of what I can or can't see? There's a difference between spam and content I don't want to see; Gmail filters out tons of spam but I can still look at that spam if I want to, and that's the entire point.

Comment Re:Answer... (Score 1) 183

You're connecting a lot of dots that don't necessarily go together. This is like getting angry at AT&T for letting people who are alt-right have phone service.

Just like I can choose who I talk to on my phone, I can choose who I interact with on social media. The compulsion is to simply allow it to exist on the platform; it's not a compulsion that every single on the platform consume that content.

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