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Comment Re:Touch lag (Score 2) 218

they are really smooth on my Galaxy S

On my Galaxy S, the instant search has yet to register all my keystrokes at a normal typing speed. I have to press the first letter, wait 3-5 seconds for the search to load up, and then continue typing.

I know you were addressing transitions specifically, but the instant search feature is something that's supposed to add to the fluidity, not detract from it. And 1 GHz should be plenty to capture my keystrokes (on a hardware keypad.)

Comment Re:Won't work (Score 1) 69

in the case of teens, it is going to be a rate between 33% and 75% in my estimation depending on how difficult the solution is to implement.

Actually, they'll probably just do it the old fashioned way - pull her boyfriend into the bathroom and show him in person.

Comment Re:What you call optimize, they call cooking? (Score 3, Insightful) 285

I thought the same thing - I expect to see Google shopping results third in product searches just like I expect to see Google image results about 3rd in concrete-noun searches. It's another very specific Google search that's integrated into Google web search. What boggles me is that Scmidt denies it like it's illegal or something. Like you said - it's not "cooking" results. It's integrating services. (Of course, and it's true, "integrating services" has been illegal since the 90s, apparently. Ask Gates about that one.)

Comment Re:Slackers (Score 1) 536

Actually, when it comes to disposable radio pop, the labels do almost all the work including writing the music and lyrics and generating the buzz. The "artists" are little more than frontmen. So actually, in many cases, it does make sense to let them keep the rights.

(On the flipside, indie artists truly are artists most of the time and pay their dues, and in turn a lot of the new indie labels let the artists keep the rights to their songs.)

Comment Satellites? (Score 3, Interesting) 351

Amid all these internet-blocking stories I still haven't found an answer to how dictators prevent satellite internet connections, or even if they do. I know how they could block them if they wanted to, but does anyone know how they actually do it? Or if they even bother with it?

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