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Comment puppets (Score 1) 160

Every single person who feels hurt by what Facebook did should admit (to themselves) that their reason to be upset is because things like these make it obvious that THEY are not in control of their emotions. That THEY are but moats of dust taken for a ride by the world around them.
I don't feel abused or betrayed or manipulated by Facebook. Not that they could. My emotions are mine, and if Facebook could alter them, I would just have to admit that I was wrong, and I would learn from it to be a better ME.
Don't hate. Learn.

Comment (sadly) inevitable (Score 1) 255

This has been a long time coming. Not to say is the right thing, but I think it was bound to happen. Freedom for the masses is a very dangerous thing for the stability of our society ... I mean ... for the billionaire multinational "elite" and their puppet "democratic" governments. I'll consider him a martyr for the evolution of human society (sorry Fritz!).
For things to get better, they sometimes have to get worse :-(

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