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Comment Re:Aquaponics (Score 1) 592

That's great, you can go further and try to make the system self sufficient. See aquaponics, cybernated farm systems, vertical organic self sufficient farming, automated farming.. we CAN already do this. It is not profitable to do so. But money is just ink, paper and numbers on a computer screen. They don't have it in star trek - we DON'T need it now! See www.thevenusproject.com for more information and watch www.zeitgeistmovingforward.com :)

Comment We can already feed the world this is a sham! (Score 1) 592

See aquaponics, cybernated farm systems, vertical organic self sufficient farming, automated farming.. we CAN already do this. It is not profitable to do so. But money is just ink, paper and numbers on a computer screen. They don't have it in star trek - we DON'T need it now! See www.thevenusproject.com for more information and watch www.zeitgeistmovingforward.com :)

Comment BOINC The Zeitgeist Movement Malaria Control (Score 1) 42

The effort to eradicate malaria is also currently under way through distributed research platforms such BOINC. The Zeitgeist Movement (of up to a million 'followers' worldwide) invite you to pull up a virtual chair and contribute your idle CPU time: http://wiki.zmlingteam.org/w/BOINC Stats: http://boincstats.com/stats/team_stats.php?pr=mcp&co=&st=0&or=12 Malaria must go during the transition to a resource based economic model: (1) http://www.thevenusproject.com/en/the-venus-project/resource-based-economy (2) http://www.thezeitgeistmovementuk.com/resource-based-economic-model

Comment We Wont Use Money 100 Years From Now, Or Even 10! (Score 1) 552

Are you kiddin' me? Did you get an economist to sponsor this story? The monetary is destined to fail, it is a paper debt based currency with no relation to anything in the physical world. We will have migrated to a resource based economy way before the next century. See more at: http://www.thevenusproject.com/en/the-venus-project/resource-based-economy. Money holds us back as a species. We have the resources if managed efficiently and effectively to overcome all problems together. What we don't have is the money to do so. Aids isn't cured because there are so many companies profiting heavily from treatments. It's the same all over, profit makes the world go round.. but maybe not for long, if you want it.

Comment Re:Stop accepting privacy invasion!! This is NOT o (Score 1) 164

Here is but a few worrying examples from this past couple of weeks alone! US wants to censor anything it doesnt like online, across the world: http://stopcensorship.org/ US wants to lock up US citizens without trial or charge: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=8mPZlysCAm0 http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2011/11/congress-to-vote-next-week-on-explicitly-creating-a-police-state/ Wikileaks exposes secret spying industry: http://wikileaks.org/the-spyfiles.html Ron Paul tells it like it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=XeCpLcjxOq4 Shameful actions of US military: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-CpCUOygqU&list=PLB9FE42FDCEFA73B8&feature=plpp_play_all Commercialisation of TROLLING?? http://www.addictinginfo.org/2011/11/13/facebook-opens-doors-to-a-new-way-of-suppressing-information-activists-constantly-banned/

Comment Re:Disinformation - Shame on you /. ! (Score 1) 835

Here is one of many many examples!! The truth is, and you wont like it, the energy companies DO NOT CARE about the environment. PROFIT makes this world go round but that is all about to change pretty soon. It has to. Free energy gathering, storage, and TRANSMISSION: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghhgUmGBjX8&sns=fb

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