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Comment Re:Occam's razor (Score 4, Insightful) 555

You probably live among cars smell, so you probably filter it out. I remember coming from the nearby mountains and getting out of the car in the city, appalling.

Anyway as you say smell is subjective.

Let us talk about the volume of vaporized stuff, this study says basically that modern cars let out less fuel fumes in 50000 km than the volume differential between new and used braking pads and tires.

I say somebody has misplaced a decimal point somewhere or is still using the fuel consumption data of volkswagen.

Comment Re:A non-issue (Score 1) 386

> Well, it obviously destroys it completely

Nope, "knowing" the future as a God could, still does not implies choices being "free", or random, or deterministic.

Let's say I perceive the future somehow and tell you who is your future wife. By telling you I either switch to a different branch of the multiverse, so that you may not make the same choice, or foresaw the determinism which will make you pick that wife, or you will *freely* pick that wife because, i merely showed you the result of the computation, and the interference was part of the factors that made you decide. I influenced you? sure, I forced you? not provable until the mechanisms for decisions are discovered.

This study, like the previous one who told that the brain have already made a decision before you are fully aware of it (which merely measures lag of introspection, not mechanisms) are quite inconclusive.

Disclaimer, I'd rather have no free will so I have no responsibility and basically do what I please. I see two problems. 1 free will could exist and I would have made an existential mistake before any religious morals come into play. 2. "what I please" would be mere obedience to stimuli.

Finally, even with free will "Do What You Want" is often "Do What Someone Else Conditioned You To Do".
Two-word undisputable proof of the above: rockstars' haircuts.

Comment Re:In Other News: People Hate Change (Score 0) 293

> after spending the time reading up on systemd and learning how to use it, how to write unit files and all that jazz, I really fail to understand what the furore over it is

Spending time to learn doing the same things in another way for marginal gains is never a good sign. Systemd, gnome, kde devs got their share of flames for that, and they are deserved.
Windows devs are so used to that they do not even realize it happens.

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