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Comment Re:This is what happens when you coddle employees (Score 1) 57

Employees are very entitled and the company has a history of catering to them. The current state of things in Google reminds me of how the homeless problem is being managed in San Francisco and Seattle.

Are you saying that giving too much freedom is a great idea -- until it isn't?
Until somebody actually tries to use it to their own benefit?

Comment The Problem I Have is "Scientists" (Score 0) 395

The problem I have is when x number of "Scientists" are in support of anything -- as if all Scientists are created equal.
"Scientists" seems to need to herd together and support all other "Scientists" against the ignorant masses.
The problem I have with this is that, to my view:
A Physicist likely knows as much about Climate Science
as a Climate Scientist knows about Super-String Theory.
I may know more about Climate Science than the average Physicist because I do pay a lot of attention to it from many sources.
How many actually informed Scientists are in this latest group?
And for that matter...
No one has yet said just what is the ideal temperature for humans to thrive on the Earth?
Too hot and Arizona has a lot of new beach front property.
Too cold and they're building igloos in the Sonoran Desert.
Even if we're getting warmer -- and there is some debate about that -- might this not be moving towards a more ideal temperature than away from it?
No one seems willing, or able, to tell.
Just that we're supposed to be running around in a panic, sitting in the dark, and spending huge sums of money on someone else's sayso.

Comment You really want two ½ batteries (Score 1) 212

It took about 1 minute of reading the Slashdot summary to realize that you don't want a single battery replacement. You want two ½ batteries.
The obvious problem with a single battery is that you can never drive it to full exhaustion since you may not be able to replace the battery with a new one at that point. So you'll always be leaving some "gas in the tank".
With two ½ batteries, you drive on one until it's exhausted then, like vehicles with dual fuel tanks, switch to the other until you can replace the first one. This way you get full service out of a battery that is discarded/recycled.
Why that wasn't suggested in the first paragraph seems an oversight.

Comment Re: Well of course! (Score 1) 73

Cash is monitored to an ever higher degree these days, through radio responsive strips in the money, something pretty much anyone who drives with more than 20k in cash learns when they are pulled over.

I would think anybody in the business of moving amounts of cash would be well aware of this -- and easily defeat it with a Faraday Cage/Box for transport.

It would seem an expensive undertaking for such an inexpensive defeat mechanism.

Of course, airports pose a particular challenge.

Comment Re:Clit Commander! (Score 0) 89

I do have to acknowledge that this was an impressive amount of effort,
even if there's some dispute over that Rule of Acquisition.

Some sources tell me that Rules of Acquisition #4 is as quoted,
while others have #4 remaining unknown.
Some sources cite a closely related Rules of Acquisition #108:
A woman wearing clothes is like a man without any profits.

Somewhere there must be a still unnumbered Rule of Acquisition reading:
Confuse the enemy by never letting them know the true Rules of Acquisition.

Comment Just Need Another Circuit Court to Disagree (Score 1) 196

All that's needed here is for another Circuit Court of Appeals to disagree with the renownly liberal Ninth Circuit Court and SCOTUS will be compelled to take up the case due to the split decisions.
I'm sure that the next case will be filed in 5...4...3...2...1...

Comment 2 Screens is so 2009 (Score 1) 36

I've been running 2 -- even 3 screens for awhile off of an HP laptop since I can easily use it's built-in screen and 2 external monitors -- at work for at least the last decade.

So what do I run at home?

A single 27" 1440P Dell UltraSharp that basically gives me all of the same real estate of the previous multiple screens and is simply just easier to place and use. You'll always need a big screen for things like large Photoshop images -- even wide spreadsheets aren't as nice split across multiple screens. And the single monitor (less than $400) is working so well that I have an unused 24" 1080P screen that I don't even bother to plug in. Just sayn' that dual screens aren't the must have option of any usable computer rig.

What do I really want?

When do VR headsets simply become a 360 degree floor-to-ceiling single massive screen where I can pull back for an overall view, or zoom in for a specific task, with a lock view button so that I don't have to hold my head steady. Resolution would be massive and you just swivel your chair to switch from one task to the next. I've thought that this should have already happened by now.

Comment Except... (Score 1) 567

..the person who filed an explosive complaint about Trump pressuring Ukraine to dig up dirt on rival candidate Joe Biden.

All fine and good except the most accurate transcript of the call that we're ever going to see, and so far not disputed by anybody as the standard for the call, doesn't contain anything about digging up dirt on anybody. That was all Adam Schiff's parody rendition.

And the whistle-blower admits to no firsthand knowledge of the event.

Where is the Earth Shattering Kaboom here?

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