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Comment Congrats to the original team for these 20 years! (Score 1) 726

I have been doing this for 20 years! Loading the /. website, how cool is that? Thanks CmdrTaco! I loved the pool question too, for example the one that asked how do you prefer to install the toilet paper, with the feed on top or bellow? Priceless! Will try to search for my earlier screenshot, but I lost my original Linux desktop after running a defrag for ext2, my worst idea ever, hit ctrl+c and lost everything. The author said, sorry about that, didn't think about writing a callback for ctrl+c ...

Comment Apple killed the USB and Audio Jack in 2016 (Score 1) 347

Is too incredible, Apple killed the USB port and the Audio Jack in 2016. Someone sold the idea that the USB-C is the best connector out there for the future and Apple bought that, forgetting that we live in the present and the USB-C form factor is less used than Thunderbolt 2

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