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Comment Re:Sounds like bullshit to me (Score 1) 31

the point is even if it works, it's not possible to use this solution to solve the larger problem because this solution cannot be scaled up to that degree. Can you imagine a global network of underwater speakers? Nor can I. Easier to just switch to rooftop solar, reverse smart power meters, heat pumps and heat exchangers, more insulation, shallow geothermal, passive solar, EVs, mass and battery walls, and develop orbital space platforms with solar panels which can provide shade to the areas getting the most solar radiation while allowing us to develop heat intensive industry off planet ...

Comment Re:Sounds like bullshit to me (Score 1) 31

I know it sounds crazy, but fish communicate a lot by sounds. They were able to use this method to repair spawning grounds of other ocean schools in other places that had been damaged by shipping traffic, so it's not completely crack-pot science.

The problem is scale, do you even comprehend the scale of the problem because it sure seems as if you and many others do not

Comment Re:...So? (Score 0) 71

Actually, with all due respect, this isn't 'science', NASA is a bureaucracy. Furthermore, with so many Americans struggling financially, it's unjustifiable waste. NASA has outlived its usefulness and has become way to large and unwieldy. NASA desperately needs to be downsized, decentralized and deinstitutionalized.

What we really need is a real rotating orbital "station", orbital assembly platforms and a real moon base with real astronauts and real space workers. Not a bunch of overpaid elites sitting in fancy earthbound offices playing with very expensive remote control toys. Just saying.

Comment Re:Tupolev (Score 1) 99

On the other hand, the Socialist System doesn't have the greatest track record.

more pseudo-conservative propaganda, in fact the exact opposite is true. Social democracies like those in Northern Europe are the most stable and have the lowest deficits.

They are also far less corrupt, " Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, and Sweden are perceived as the least corrupt nations in the world, ranking consistently high among international financial transparency, " ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...

the worst lies are the lies we tell,ourselves

Comment Re:They Don't Really Work Everywhere (Score 1) 209

normally I don't bother replying to abusive people but in your case I'll make an exception

you're clearly wrong

"To calculate the total ROI you need to compare the up front install cost to the monthly savings. Our high efficiency heat pump had a total install cost of around $15k after rebates. This seems like a lot, but based on the age of the furnace and AC we were going to have to replace them anyways. The median install cost for a new furnace in PA is $4500 while an AC is $4700. That's over $9k right there. Of course, given how little we use the AC we could probably have gotten away with just using a few cheaper window units instead of a whole house setup. Still it seems unlikely that we could have replaced both for under $5k total. That means that our heat pump cost at most $10k extra. If I invested this $10k in some stock/bond/CD that earned 6% each year then after 15 years I'd have $23,965. If instead I invest the $83.33 I save each month in the same stock/bond/CD that earns 6% each year then after 15 years I'd have $23,275. These are pretty close, and if you're paying taxes on your capital gains then the $83.33/month heat pump actually wins because with it you are only paying taxes on $8,275 worth of gains, instead of $13,965 (at our current 15% long term capital gains rates this amounts to $853 more in taxes)." ~ https://www.profitgreenly.com/...

just remember, it's all the people like you who are the real problem

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