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Comment Re: Here It Comes... (Score 2, Informative) 151

"improvements lasted more than a year after therapy"

Which is a good thing, given that it's not actually possible to use it continuously (at least not effectively, due to depleted serotonin). Which is also why folks tend not to get addicted to molly.

For this exact same reason, I bet the pharmaceutical industry does not like this idea. At all.

From my own personal experience, I absolutely credit occasional recreational use of MDMA (and visiting the associated raves, I guess) with helping me out of a not-so-mild depression couple of years back.

Comment Re:Yeah... climate design (Score 1) 313

How about we consider countries outside the USA.

When examined, they are making US/Europe widgets for US/Europe companies exported to US/Europe consumers. That the pollution is outsourced doesn't make it not-US/Europe pollution.

This. Very much this.

And also we should consider individual nation's pollution cumulatively, not per annum -- because the aggregate is what's having these effects. US and Western Europe have been doing it for much longer than India/China/Brazil and so on.

Comment Re:And I keep coming back to my same question (Score 4, Informative) 693

Well said. I'd just like to add:

Disputes over the key scientific facts of global warming are more prevalent in the popular media than in the scientific literature, where such issues are treated as resolved, and more prevalent in the United States than globally.


Comment Re:Good! (Score 2) 180

A separate problem with this, though, and much harder to quantify -- is what this does to their reputation? Read somewhere that Greenpeace's mom & pop contributions went down, for example, as their board-room involvement went up.

Hard to say if that has ramifications on how effective they can be. Maybe they genuinely get more done with less funds this way.

Comment Re:They sound completely insane (Score 1) 328

Not really - Christianity is evolving. It basically loses edge as time is passing, becoming 'lukewarm' religion. Look at Church of England as extreme case of that, but same route can be seen in most subsects. On the other hand, Islam is frozen in time, actively fighting any kinds of changes (given what happened over very trivial differences between Shia and Sunni, you should not expect any bigger changes for next few thousand years).

First of all, let's not kid ourselves into thinking there are no sharp-edged (a.k.a. dim-witted) Christians out there.

But I kinda take your point. I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that most (all?) Muslims read their sacred text in the original language, whereas the overwhelming majority of Christians don't.

Comment Re:Yes callback hell is a thing (Score 4, Interesting) 341

It's a paradox that to get a reliable cluster, you want your individual parts to be quite twitchy and explody., which node.js is.

I think I get what you're saying, but somehow I don't expect this argument to convert any nonbelievers :-)

My personal favourite JS verdict is from Verity Stob, over at The Register,

CON: The most dysfunctional functional language. On top of all its well-known flaws that disrupt ordinary primitive programming, it lacks many allegedly must-have functional gewgaws. Its variables are mutable, its type holes are indubitable, its 'eagerness' unsuitable, its modules are inscrutable, tail recursion disputable, scoping inexcusable, and I'll stop there, with 'refutable' (to name but one) still in the bank, just because you were kind enough to beg me.

PRO: It's what you'll end up using.

Source: Learn you Func Prog on five minute quick!

Comment Re:Paris isn't exactly French these days. (Score 1) 410

Well, I think there's middle ground between those extremes. Closing borders to the whole religion is just as impossible as 100% preventing damage by lone wolf jihadis.

I don't have all the answers, obviously. Just wanted to point out that broad brush demagoguery is less than helpful.

Going forward it would be a good idea to stop interfering in their countries, it seems to me. That would not deter the fanatic leaders but definitely make it a lot harder for them to recruit foot soldiers. Things like the Paris and Brussels attacks, and London and Madrid before, might happen less often.

Comment Re:Paris isn't exactly French these days. (Score 2, Insightful) 410

Yes, there is undoubtedly some of that.

On the other hand, many people (not you per se) grossly overestimate the fraction of Muslims that are Islamists, in this sense. Partly this is because they are a disproportionately loud fraction, but there is also the deliberate exaggeration on the part of Le Pen, Wilders, Farage, and so on, i.e. far-right nationalists who need "others" for us to fear.

Also, let's not forget that this colonialist mentality you are describing here used to be par for the course for us Europeans for a very, very long time -- and people on the receiving end of it were routinely labelled "savages" for not welcoming and adopting our superior ways.

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