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Comment Re: Good news, bad news (Score 0) 179

You are an actual ignorant twat by choice, the worst kind of person on the planet.

Your bubble of bullshit has cut off everything to your brain but air and that is really a shame. Just get out and actually open your little piggy eyes and get away from the FSB narratives. What is with you stupid conspiracy theorists?

Comment Re:That's great (Score 1) 72

On the bright side, those insurrectionists will never read this article.

They will still gather together dressed head to toe in 2nd hand camo in a tight clump in the middle of the city square.
This, they believe, is the correct use of camouflage. Stand out from a crowd and look frightening!

They will have a very short, but very exciting, revolution.

Comment Re: I'm shocked. (Score 3, Interesting) 352

Fake story planted at Reuters today.

Who would think that an organisation that can plant a spy at the head of the NRA can plant a story at Reuters?
The journalist they used is shit-bag anti-west, anti-USA money grubber.

FSB standard tactic.

Gonna be lots of posts by the IRA troll-bot army today.

Comment Re:There are good reasons for that (Score 1) 62

It's not about the height or otherwise it would be built on a mountain.

There are more factors in play:

Wind velocity and reliability are more predictable over the ocean where there the "friction layer" is less in play and doesn't extend to the same height as over land. Nominally the layer is universally accepted as extending to 2000 feet above land (in reality it varies enormously between say forest and deserts).

The main advantage of long blades is the efficiency that arises from the massive increase in volume of moving air harvested.
Air moving through the circular blade sweep can be thought of as the volume of a cylinder over any measured time interval.
Pi*r ^2H gives the volume of that cylinder. It's the radius squared that matters. The rest are constants in any sample set. If the blade length (r) of 2 units is compared to one of 4 units then the harvested energy is from 4 volumes vs 16 volumes.

TLDR: Long blades give gigantic increases in efficiency but they're a bitch to make, attach to turbines and then to survive in the real world. (Also they apparently rate in energy production dick-measuring competitions. This may be more important to some investors.)

Comment Re:From the CNN article (Score 1) 193

Well to be fair, after the US blows your embassy in Serbia to shit because you had a few parts of a Nighthawk in the cellar, it probably cools the ardour for adventure.
It's not like they wouldn't be able to get anything they want from other sources anyway.

Don't forget the Russians license the tech for the B model. They probably know a few things about it.

Comment Re:Seriously, 100 Million Degrees? (Score 2) 215

The "heat" leaves the planet constantly as radiated energy. The radiated energy that heats the planet is all, but an infinitesimal amount, arriving constantly from the Sun.

The Earth radiates heat. Look up black body radiation.

The atmosphere reduces the rate at which heat leaves the planet (amongst a few other things). It is a complex picture, but a number of the elements that make up the atmosphere have different effects on the rate of heat dispersion. Water vapour has the greatest effect but it is not alone. Small changes in the amount of other atmospheric elements have the effect of changing the rate of dispersion which is in a rough equilibrium.

An example that is easy to follow is to pick a station in a desert and observe the difference between maximum and minimum temperatures in any 24 hour period. Compare it to a coastal station at roughly the same latitude. The rate differs greatly between the stations.
The atmosphere varies greatly in its composition both horizontally and vertically. Therefore to measure the effect, you have to sample many points simultaneously and then use extrapolation and statistics to get an idea of what is happening globally.

It can be argued that the atmosphere is the greatest part of that which keeps the earth average temperature at approx 15 deg C. By changing the makeup of the atmosphere you can move that average up or down.

Reversing the calculations to predict what will happen at one of the locations that data was sampled from, if the average was to change slightly, is as near as impossible a task as trying to explain facebook to a group of mini-goats gambolling around a peak in the Alps.

The first part is hard enough but the concept of accurate predictions of change is harder. Not impossible to predict more broad effects but not easy.

Comment Re:Convince me I'm wrong (Score 1) 61

When Ivan took Kazan he set the stage for permanently removing the terror of the Golden Horde. Relentlessly the Russians pushed eastward destroying the Turkic and Tatar whilst building an empire. Those piles of skulls the Horde left at Kiev to remind the Russians of how nasty they were left a lasting effect.

They didn't want to become an Asian nation but rather control those people and prevent another from forming.

Comment Re: good luck with that (Score 1) 97

Who the hell is going to buy stuff made in the US if this farce gets up? If and product does the same job while offered at many times the price it simply won't sell. Without foreign sales there is no export income. How is the domestic sector going to hold itself up by tugging on market protected bootlaces?

Tariffs always precipitate disaster for economys that employ them long term. Without competitive pressure to improve productivity, manufacturers will just churn out the same old stuff assured of domestic sales at prices fully protected by gross government intervention in the market. When the tariffs are withdrawn in an attempt to save the greater economy, industry just folds as it is unable to reinvent itself instantly to compete.

Meanwhile the other 5 billion people on the planet keep producing, trading and creating wealth. They will use that income for leaner production and R&D investment. Suddenly the "Japanese miracle" becomes the entire fucking planet minus the US miracle.

Everybody guffaws and ridicules countries that talk about handing out money to citizens for doing nothing other than existing but seriously think it is ok to do the same for corporations? Why?

Comment Re:its not cheap compared to molten salt (Score 1, Interesting) 84

I mean how could it not be winner? Australia's endlessly abundant hard flowing rivers and mega-miles of irrigation canals could easily, if well sited turbines are placed, charge a phone, maybe two, in possibly less than a year. Something about the driest continent and all that?

As for tidal waters there are some places with big tides. The east Coast around Mackay has 8 metre tides but there is a Great Barrier Reef thingy that stops dead any project that gets wet on even the highest tide and somewhat inland of that. Look at the "Save the Reef, Stop Adani" protests and that mine is 350km inland.
Given that only 20 houses can be run from each turbine, there would be a need for maybe 5000 of them just to keep the northern house lights on and that of course is just a small percentage of the power used in any community. The industrials will be burning coal to stay in business at the metal refineries and smelters.

Darwin has big tides but they just invested a metric shit-tonne of money on a gas plant to burn some of the world's biggest deposits to their North West.

The last place with the needed flows, and the best ones for sure, are the massive tidal runs in the Wyndham area of Western Australia. Of course having a population of several hundred people, that area probably could be sustainably and reliably supplied by a solar farm and a moderate diesel genset backup.

Get around and down to Shark Bay and it's the Great Barrier Reef all over again.

There are already turbines installed in any dam of any note. Have to fall back to those irrigation channels I guess.

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