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Comment Re: Well, here's a thought (Score 1) 199

I thought it only fair that Chat GPT get a chance to chime in:

The concerns raised by industry leaders in the article regarding the potential risks of artificial intelligence are indeed important and have been discussed by experts in the field. It is crucial to recognize that as AI technology continues to advance, there is a need for responsible development and deployment to mitigate potential negative consequences.

The statement from the Center for AI Safety highlights the belief that the risk of extinction posed by AI should be considered a global priority, comparable to other large-scale societal risks such as pandemics and nuclear wars. By acknowledging the potential risks at this level, industry leaders are emphasizing the importance of taking proactive measures to ensure the safe and ethical use of AI.

The inclusion of prominent executives, researchers, and engineers from leading AI companies, as well as the "godfathers" of modern AI, indicates a widespread recognition of the need to address these concerns. Their collective expertise and influence can contribute to shaping policies, guidelines, and practices that prioritize the responsible development, deployment, and governance of AI systems.

The article also mentions specific concerns related to recent advancements in large language models, like ChatGPT, which have raised fears regarding the spread of misinformation, propaganda, and potential job displacement. These concerns are valid and require careful attention to ensure that AI systems are developed and used in a manner that aligns with societal values, preserves human well-being, and addresses potential negative impacts.

In response to these concerns, it is essential for stakeholders in the AI community to actively collaborate with policymakers, ethicists, and the public to establish robust frameworks for AI governance. This includes considerations such as transparency, accountability, fairness, and the incorporation of ethical principles into AI development and deployment processes.

While the potential risks associated with AI are a legitimate cause for concern, it is important to note that AI also presents significant opportunities for societal benefit. Striking the right balance between innovation and safety will require ongoing dialogue, research, and collaboration among all stakeholders to ensure the development and deployment of AI technology that serves humanity's best interests.

Comment Re: Who cares. It's all BULLSHIT anyway. (Score -1, Troll) 184

There is no meaningful science being done there. So yes, pull the plug.

Fusion R&D should be squarely focused on engineering of a power plant. The science of fusion reactions is already well studied and well modeled. What we need is machines that can sustain a fusion reaction to produce net electricity

Comment Re:This is going to kill so much wildlife (Score 1) 270

Still there are questions about impacts on marine life that are going to be specific to each and every turbine location. The specifics of what materials are used and how they are built, maintained and decommissioned are also very important to whether there is a net benefit and whether there is unacceptable environmental cost.

We know from every other massive industrial scale out that there are negative environmental affects and they shouldn't be swept under the rug just because we are locating them far enough out to see that they will be specks on the horizon.

Subsidies are fine to get started, but we should also be taxing and regulating them adequately as well and making sure there is money being set aside for decommissioning in 30 or 40 years or whatever the lifespan is.

Comment Re: On par for most of Elon's hype (Score 1) 233

The old car companies were coming out with electric cars every 5 to 10 years just to prove to the government that nobody would buy them so they could keep doing fossil fuels.

Tesla has over promised and under delivered, while everyone else has promised us mediocre technology that is destroying the planet and delivered us new styling and different cup holders every 5 years.

Tesla deserves criticism, while most other car companies deserve to be put out of business.

And car tunnels ... Yes we need more of them and they should be cheap and boring.

Comment Foreign Data Laws Should Level the Playing Field. (Score 1) 37

If targeting tiktok leads to better privacy laws and regulations to prevent data about Americans being sent overseas without informed consent then that is good. If it is a one-off and China and other countries get all sorts of data on us via American companies selling it to some subsidiary to launder... then still bad. We need to level the playing field for US companies and make sure that data about our personal habits doesn't get sent overseas where it can be used for espionage and hacking operations

Comment Re: Who is surprised by this? (Score 3, Informative) 168

Reading the story. They gene sequenced the virus the second time and found it was a different strain. So reinfection with a different strain is at least possible after 4 months in 1 case.

Really the question is whether previous infection is as good as a vaccine, so people needed bother with a vaccine. Not whether it is 100% effective.

Comment Re: For those still stuck in the 1950's Red Scare (Score 1) 145

The US should ban all data about Americans from being transmitted outside the US and impose large fines on violators. Leave people free of course to transmit their own data willingly with full disclosure. If a company wants to do business in America, then locate here. And if a company wants to collect data then detail what they are collecting.

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