Microsoft denies Linux Office interest 246
crow writes "The Boston Globe columnist who started the rumor that Microsoft is porting Office to Linux now has a column where he reports that Microsoft claims it has no efforts underway to port Office to Linux. In fact, Microsoft claims that there has been no interest from customers about Office for Linux. However, Microsoft now has an email address where people can comment about Microsoft applications in regards to Linux: " Quite frankly, I'll be happy man if I never have to see that little paper clip again. Ever.
Office sucks and always has---let's be realistic (Score:2)
As just one example, here are the results of my research into why we were having trouble translating footnotes and endnotes between Word and WordPerfect. If you check the articles, the same bugs have been "known issues" in Word since version 2.0, which basically means that any office that really needs to work with footnotes or endnotes (like the entire legal and academic communities) made the wrong choice if they chose Word.
(no file conversion from other word processor formats involved):
WD: Footnote moved to next page
WD: Continuous Section Break with Footnotes Causes Page Break
WD: Footnote Text Displayed, Printed on Top of Footer
WD: Custom Footnotes Disappear After Spell Check
WD: Footnote References Renumbered in Word Tables
WD: Endnote Styles Not Applied to Converted WordPerfectEndnotes
WD6X: WordPerfect Endnote Number Not Converted Correctly to Word (fixed
in Word 6.0c)
WD: Converted WordPerfect Endnote Text Cannot Be Edited in Word
WD: WordPerfect 6.X Import Converter Limitations for Word 6.x/7.0
WD: WordPerfect 5.x Import Converter Limitations for Word 6.x/7.0
The following articles list Microsoft Word bug fixes and feature limitations. They are
included to aid in determining whether footnote or endnote conversion issues of importance have been repaired in later MS Word versions.
WD6x: WordPerfect 5.x Converter Enhancements in 6.x Kit Release
WD6x: WordPerfect 5.x Converter Enhancements in WinWord 6.0c
Of97: Microsoft's main list of WordPerfect 6/7/8 formatting commands that either do not
convert because Office 97 has no comparable feature or that convert imperfectly.
And Microsoft has no plans to support TCP/IP (Score:1)
Nobody's ever asked Bill about Linux? (Score:1)
Remember, Microsoft denied their Java port until shortly after they canned it.
Howard Aiken (Score:1)
But I thought Unix was sooooooo stable (Score:1)
Microsoft troll.. Go back to Redmond.
So.. (Score:1)
MS BOB - I have heard that ... (Score:1)
He is an expert, no? NO! (Score:1)
Didn't know the URL for freshmeat "".
Kept plugging the *BSD line "Well, I actually like *BSD, but if I used Linux..".
Didn't know that WP8 has been released for months now "Corel is going to port their word perfect..".
Argh. Probably good that I didn't get on the line or else I'd give him a verbal lashing.
Yeah, and the Internet is just a passing fad... (Score:1)
...and nobody needs more than, what was it, 256k of memory? Does anybody take these public proclamations from Redmond seriously?
Office sucks and always has (Score:1)
Meanwhile, Word for Linux would have a crushing impact on the other Linux word processors and spreadsheets: Star Office and Word Perfect could never win the market share battle if Microsoft Word were available on the Linux platform.
Even when I was an MS-head, I hated Office. I hated doing an install. I hated the all-too-frequent reinstalls. I hated using it. I hated every aspect and feature. I always saw Office as MS's worst product and still do. It is bloated, neither WYSIWYG nor WYSIWYM, over-featured while strangely underpowered, hard to understand, hard to find help on, it silently upgrades the OS and there's no way to upgrade just part of it (try putting Access 2.0, Access 95 and Access 97 on the same machine).
In short, I hate Office and will not use it on Linux.
I've used MS-Office at work because I have to. But I use Corel Wordperfect 8 and Quattro Pro at home. MS-Office is VASTLY inferior and less stable than WP and Quattro Pro. It is bloated, slow, and has severe problems interacting with other non-microsoft products.
Even if MS gave their office away for free, I still wouldn't install it.
Staroffice? (Score:1)
Oh please, do me a favour. Sure I'd love to run an incredibly bloated, overstuffed Office package. And no I dont mean MS Office. Give me MS Office any day. It loads on my P2-233 at work in seconds, while Staroffice takes aaaaaaages to load on my P2-350 at home.
As my mum would say "don't cut off your nose to spite your face...."
Office sucks and always has---let's be realistic (Score:1)
What the heck are you doing that requires a reinstall of Office?
I'm not doing anything. But in this office (of about 300 people) we are constantly having to reinstall (be sure to use the identical original CD!) to get back clipart, templates and so forth.
So, if you're using the fairly basic features, what's so hard to understand then?
It's not that the features are hard to understand. It's the whole product that is hard to understand. The learning curve to do anything beyond simple typing is at least as steep as learning Linux is (at least for me). For instance, I STILL can't change margins/tab-stops reliably. I just have to drag those little markers back and forth until I get what I want.
the paper clip is good (Score:1)
Try asking Mr. Paperclip this question...
Why does Microsoft suck so much wank?
The answer may be interesting to the DOJ.
Give me SOME credit (Score:1)
First, it's not the users deleting these files. They are just getting corrupted.
Second, I can't share it from the network because a) we are short on network file space and b) our network admin is a moron.
Third, I said nothing about Clippy. I am well aware that it is simple to turn him off.
Fourth, the reason people tout Office as the be-all end-all of office software is the intuitive easy of use. If I have to RTFM to figure out how to use tabstops because the "obvious" actions don't work, there is a problem.
Dear Microsoft -
Keep your damn office software.
I can code better on my free time than the dufuses you pay $70,000 a year for.
Mozilla Good, IE Bad (Score:1)
What? I find Netscape to be just as stable as
IE, probably more so. If you're running a PC, download the latest JRE from Granted; I don't use IE too much, only when I have to to test out Java apps and look'n'feel portablility. I hate to break it too you but IE crashes too and both have problems with Java.
damn it, you're a marine!
Click and duck! (Score:1)
Oooh, I hate when that happens :) Try turning off Java - that worked for me. Of course, if applets weren't a common factor in the Omnivorously Spawning Haywire Dialogs From Hell, then please disregard or disembowel (or decipher) this message.
I wouldn't mind an IE5 for Linux either, would I? The more browser choice, the better, right? Feel free to insert your own "integrated in the OS" joke here.
It is! (Score:1)
When the browser "crashes", it doesn't. If the original poster's problem is the same one I was having, Netscape slows to a crawl because it's spawning an endless series of dialogs. At worst, both Netscape and X hang - very rare. Sometimes Netscape hangs - also fairly rare. But Linux doesn't crash; it may only look like it. All it takes is a kill -9 (or an exit from the wm) to get out of the mess, but on those rare occasions, it's a chore.
Star Office: a rudimentary word processor? (Score:1)
He has probably never seen a machine running Linux, yet he's talking as he was an expert...
I assure you, Simson Garfinkel has more than just seen Linux computers. And he definitely qualifies as an expert.
Of course, he also had a hand in the completely fucking ridiculous and stupid Unix Haters' Handbook -- proving that even experts can be crack smokers.
Star Office: a rudimentary word processor? (Score:1)
I've got StarOffice 5 on both linux and solaris, and sorry, it just ain't so!
Any product that only allows one instance of one window into an app is brain-dead. SO doesn't even let you have 2 windows into the same doc, much less multiple windows into multiple docs. I need those multiple instances visible at the same time -- otherwise I might as well be relegated back to a DOS-style app. For all I hate M$, at least Office got that much right!
To Blazes with Office (Score:1)
640K (Score:1)
640K (Score:1)
It's far easier to forgive your enemy after you get even with him.
paper clip (Score:1)
'nuf said of my interest in a M$ Office port.
Paperclip? Do tell. (Score:1)
Interesting how Microsoft only claims comsumer interest in Linux when Bill Gates makes an idiot of himself on TV.
Not Office 97. (Score:1)
And it comes nonetheless! (Score:1)
Regards, Jochen
MS Office can't handle large documents (Score:2)
MS Word may be fine for small (i.e., under 50 pages) documents, but for anything big, I'll ALWAYS stick with LaTeX + Xy-Pic + xfig---you can't beat those for reliability, portability, and speed. I work on the same documents at home (Linux) and work (Windows "Blue Screen" NT) with LaTeX. I wouldn't trust MS to actually make a Linux version truly interoperable with a Windows version, they couldn't do it with MS Office for the Mac.
I don't expect much from a company who writes cdplayer.exe for NT which crashes on my often. Damn you Microsoft, damn you all!
Installing Office on Linux (Score:1)
% tar -xzf office-linux-6.6.6-tar.gz
ERROR: Office for Linux can only be installed by the superuser.
% su
Password: ********
Installing Microsoft Office for Linux...
Checking for installed components...
Verifying available disk space...
Installation complete. Your machine will not be restarted so the changes can take effect.
Executing: shutdown -h now
(*Machine reboots*)
Updating ESCD...
Verifying DMI pool data...
Starting Windows 98...
It's Windows for Idiots... (Score:1)
It's a extremely stripped down, simplified (to the point of barfing) replacement shell for windows with big on-screen buttons to run a word processor, spreadsheet, graphics program, etc. No control panels. No DOS shells. No nothing that could in any way allow the user to screw up the OS in any way. Turns your PC into a kiosk appliance; a toaster with just about as much control.
Apple took a stab at this too. Their's was called "AtEase"
No MS (Score:1)
I just can't work out which is the best outcome....
Long Live TeX! (Score:1)
Having said that, a wordprocessor is no bad thing, and choice is always good.
Best of all, if Microsoft DOES port to Linux, then businesses will take Linux seriously. When Microsoft gets totally belted out the market, as they did by 3com in hand-helds, the interest might even grow (as also happened with hand-helds).
LINUS as a help agent?!? (Score:1)
Apps not OS (Score:2)
I use Applix and WP8 now, and although they are ok, since I travel a bit, it does cause problems. If I have to ftp home for a file, it's almost impossable to convert to MSOffice (which is ususally the only thing avaliable on the road in places like Kinkos or something). So, you have to remember to convert before you leave, and then, the conversions never look quite as good as the original.
MS Office is ok, I HATE how it can't seem to convert HTML to a .doc in it. MS Office becoming an HTML editor was a LAME move in my opinion. But, untill a GNU Office suite matures more, I think MS Office isn't really THAT bad.
that bloody paperclip (Score:1)
anything on a computer screen as those damn
bloody patronizing paper clips, smiley face
balls, must look at things from another's
perspective, man's annoyance is another
man's helper..*shrug* ah well, one shouldn't worry
one's self too much about what other people are
My only problem with StarOffice... (Score:1)
I can't get it to install either, and their support has been non-existent. The one response I've ever recieved from StarDivision is an advertisement for the latest version of StarOffice.
Yes, you guessed it, the same version that won't install.
computers://use.urls. People use Networds.
be glad u$ is passing on linux us$office (Score:1)
u$office is not open source and therefore an evolutionary dead end
why should I suffer through learning to use software that I never really own in the first place?
(ask yourself that question about everything, especially if you are a business)
watch for u$ to move to control and corrupt what they call "core APIs"
it is a good thing the GPL protects us so well from that attack
but anyway now I need to think of something clever to send to linuxq [mailto]
u$BOB for Linux (Score:1)
This is the great idea I've been waiting for.
Send email to Microsoft asking for Microsoft BOB for Linux? [mailto] You bet!
Surgeon General's Warning (Score:1)
anti-trust trial is that every interview with them would be
accompanied by a little notice stating that
"U.S. authorities have determined that most of what the
Microsoft Corporation discloses to the press is complete
bullshit." Of course I am being facetious, but
only a little bit. --- Josh
Star Office: a rudimentary word processor? (Score:1)
I can see this guy is a good journalist. He has probably never seen a machine running Linux, yet he's talking as he was an expert...
What about IE 5? *ducking* (Score:1)
Netscape is a lousy package under Linux. I've never had a version that felt stable. Currently ps shows netscape gobbling up almost 100 meg of RAM on here, after only a day's work. Netscape also seems to bloat X's memory,although not being an X-programmer I don't really understand how that could happen.
On all three machines I regularly run Netscape on I have a mysterious problem with it spawning error windows until the system crashes...
Gotta figure IE for Linux is a smaller porting project than Word, given the HP and Solaris versions.
What's everyone's opinions? I wish Mozilla was ready... hopefully it won't be as bad as 4.0/4.5.
VMWare is TOO slow (Score:1)
At home with only 64 meg RAM, I boot them with 32, and its pokey because of the godawful large amount of RAM GNOME takes up. If I log in to an account I setup to load Windows directly, it runs like a charm too... well except for the annoying tendancy Linux has to hardlock on heavy drive access... four months and I still haven't tracked that bugger down, and that's a Linux thing not a VMware thing.
Concerning the price for VMWare, sending e-mails can't hurt. I suggested a WMWare "lite" version for people who just wanted to be able to boot Windows, and they said they made note of the suggestion. If they keep getting it ("I'd rather buy a new PC than spend $300 on the software, but $150 might be reasonable") then they might consider a price change or a "lite" version.
But I thought Unix was sooooooo stable (Score:1)
Netscape crashes a lot itself... but its lousy software, not a lousy OS. Once in a while that spawning window problem happens and X might hang -- it doesn't crash, it just gets hung up. Telnetting into my box from another machine and killing Netscape always fixes the problem.
You dare to dis clippy?? (Score:1)
As long as each individual is facing the TV tube alone, formal freedom poses no threat to privilege.
You dare to dis clippy?? (Score:1)
As long as each individual is facing the TV tube alone, formal freedom poses no threat to privilege.
The actor I like... (Score:1)
As long as each individual is facing the TV tube alone, formal freedom poses no threat to privilege.
Office? who needs it?!? (Score:1)
Who exactly has this fellow spoken to? I know of no sane Linux user who would ever want a MS program running on his or her system. I just installed StarOffice yesterday to tide me over until PerfectSuite 9.0 is released for Linux (November?). I may not even change then. It's a great office package, and I'm very pleased with it. It does everything I need it to do, does it cleanly, and is far from rudimentary. Perhaps the author of the article linked above should spend less time broadcasting misinformation then printing corrections and more time finding a clue and getting his facts straight!
Linux User Denies Microsoft Office Interest (Score:1)
Actually... (Score:1)
I hate to admit it, but... (Score:1)
I hate to admit it, but... (Score:1)
I didn't think so. I will use Linux at home, and I will evangelize the hell out of it wherever appropriate. But I won't push it where it doesn't belong. And it doesn't belong on my company's average desktop, even with Office. Check back with me in a year, though.
Paperclip? Do tell. (Score:1)
They act as an interface to the on-line help - they popping up with speech bubbles for you to type questions into, appearing with lightbulbs when they think you're doing something that can be done more easily.
Oh, they also have cute animations and generally kill productivity.
Microsoft's stealth PR? (Score:1)
it wasn't just a Microsoft PR strategy for undercover FUD.
In other words, spread a story about Office for Linux, then yank the rug out in a later release.
Seems to be what happened here.
If this guy loves Microsoft's products so much, why does he "seem" pro-Linux? Why not just shut up and use M$ software on M$ operating system? The only reason I can think of is he's on M$'s payroll, paid to write "pro-Linux" articles designed to confuse the PHB's about Linux. (Star Office is "rudimentary"?)
That's much more effective than your average anti-Linux FUD.
If only M$ programmers were as innovative as their PR staff...
Star Office (Score:1)
linux users want MS Office? (Score:1)
You dare to dis clippy?? (Score:1)
I do believe that Microsoft released some code that did this.
Stan "Myconid" Brinkerhoff
Quite the opposite... (Score:1)
Supposing that, as is the case with many companies, they've standardised on Office.
You can't expect a secretary with no knowledge of comuputing to sit in front of LaTeX, after all, so it's a valid choice.
This currently prevents a company from using Linux.
Now, if M$ supported Linux, a large number of companies would switch to Linux rapidly - I know, for instance, that my own company would, and be glad of it - we have Linux boxes acting as servers already, and Linux workstations would clear up much of the serious problems we have with Windows, such as viruses, and the like.
This means, and I stress this for the hard of thinking: MORE PEOPLE USING LINUX. LESS PROPRIETORY SOFTWARE. More proprietory software on linux, but that's okay, because it's moving in the right direction.
Personally, I'm dropping an email to M$ now, and asking them for Office on Linux, preferably running under GNOME. I'm going to ask them to consider giving the software away for free to personal users, too. I'll offer any support and help I can - hell, if I can sign an NDA and help with the code, I will. I urge others to do the same.
I'm hoping that the GNOME project, or KDE, or anyone else, will produce a GPL Office replacement soon, too, but I'm really hoping that businesses take up Linux onto the desktop, because then the problem of installed userbase suddenly swings in the direction of Linux.
First Post! (Score:1)
glibc 2.1 breaks SO5 and RealPlayer (Score:1)
No interest? ::cough:: bullshit ::cough:: (Score:1)
The art of flying is throwing yourself at the ground...
*I* like the paperclip! (Score:1)
Allow me to demonstrate.
Get that paperclip up. Right click on it. Uncheck and carefully close. Bye bye paperclip!
For your second magical performance, did you know that calling word with the
*Now* start complaining...
*I* like the paperclip! (Score:1)
Just unclick and close.
(Sorry, should have mentioned that.)
Linux needs Office like I need an eye on my elbow (Score:1)
What about IE 5? *ducking* (Score:1)
"We'd hoped that the latest round of browsers would take the
opportunity to get things right. Internet Explorer 5.0 is an
opportunity lost," Olsen said. "We'd like to know: when will
Internet Explorer have full support for any one Web standard?"
Forget Word, try pushing a FrameMaker port (Score:1)
Nah, if the only choice on the system is Framemaker, I'll take LaTeX anyday... About as complicated (LyX ight solve that) and more flexible *and* portable. I mean - after all you *were* talking about scientific documents!
Unfortunately, our SysAds dumped LaTeX - "everybody is using Framemaker or Word, anyway!" - bah...
[0] Ok, for choice's sake, go ahead...
PLEASE PLEASE give us Office for Linux (Score:1)
You dare to dis clippy?? (Score:1)
640K (Score:1)
No the DOS memory limit was 1Mbyte, the 640K came from the architecture of the IBM PC which put the ROM area at 640K.
In the mid 80's I was using MSDOS on non-IBM compatible systems which provided a full 1Mbyte of addressing (the video wasn't memory mapped)
Star Office: a rudimentary word processor? (Score:1)
Like Micros~1 Windows isn't the QWERTY
of the 80's and 90's. Talk about square
wheels, 8.3 is the corregated roadway
Windows users have accepted for 15 years
and Ctl-Alt-Del is the reocurring
vapor-lock that 'just happens'.
Get real.
Monopolistic? (Score:1)
Debugging code (Score:1)
Give me FrameMaker!!! (Score:1)
Adobe to request it now.
Scary scenario (Score:1)
No MS (Score:1)
Now I am not a big fan of proprietary software in general, but it is a fact of life on Joe User's desktop and it will be for some time. At least MS's head-in-the-sand policy will give Corel or Star Division (maybe Lotus?) a chance to sell some software again.
In denouncing Linux, GNU, OpenSource MS validatess (Score:1) []
The Dork Responsible for Paperclip Man (Score:1) none other than Microsoft and self appointed 'cummm-poo-torrr boy gene-ee-uss' Nathan Myhrvold. Surely you remember Nate... Microsoft spends ungodly sums to promote him as the second coming of Einstein. You probably recognize him more on sight; he looks like the mutant offspring of bigfoot and Mickey Rooney.
I read an unintentionally hysterical article about 2 yrs ago wherein the computer illiterate interviewer asked what hot 'innovations' the 'giant brain' Nate had contributed to while at Mickeysludge, at least those in its main products. He pointed proudly to paper clip man!!! Yes indeedy, that annoying animated dork from hell is the product of Nate's 'intense, in depth study of user interfaces and artificial intelligence'!
Hopefully, none of Nate's 'innovations' will ever be used on anything that can destroy the planet, like nuclear weapons or handling plutonium. I sure wouldn't want to see what his idea of 'AI' would do with that...
Please Don't Play Along With This Stunt (Score:3)
is an obvious way to manipulate the opinions of
the (loosely-defined) Linux community. Often it's
an honest request for input; often only partly so,
or not at all.
Second, Microsoft can use a large response as
ammunition to support the story that Linux isn't
a serious business platform because it doesn't
have Microsoft apps.
Third, if Microsoft *does* get Office on Linux, it
will use that as leverage to kill other possible
application solutions, and then will further use
Office as a foothold to get proprietary frameworks
atop Linux. It will be difficult (though not
impossible) to prevent that. Isn't this kind of
monopoly leverage what many Linux people have been
trying to avoid?
(BTW, I have talked with Simson Garfinkel several
times, and he seems like a good guy, but I think
he's inadvertently helping Microsoft more than
Linux this time.)
The Paperclip Spy (Score:1)
Before Clippit
The first words I typed in Microsoft Office97 was a little essay called "The Paperclip Spy". Because that's what it seemed like, a critter that was always looking at your document, ready to send any criticisim of Windows to Redmond.
Of course Microsoft could always do that.
But the paperclip somehow made it seem real.
And now, of course, we know that's not as farfetched as I'd thought.
I HATE Office, and it had nothing to do with M$... (Score:1)
What happened was I did my paper on OJ Simpson, and it decided during a spell check that it was wrong, and without any window or warning, changed EVERY Simpson, to Simson. I was in a hurry and didn't proofread the printout, and just bound it and turned it in. Needless to say, I failed the paper for mispelling the topic of my paper in all 8 pages and spend 2 months in summer school.
If that's not reason enough to hate Office and Word, I dont' know what is.
FUD And Stupidity (Score:1)
PICO is my HTML editor O:) (Score:1)
The subject says it all. I've never understood the need for anything fancier than a text editor for HTML editing. Better control and less cruft generated.
And Microsoft has no plans to support TCP/IP (Score:1)
Maybe you got Novell and Microsoft confused.
Office sucks and always has (Score:1)
Not having formatting tags is a feature in my book. Word always has stored is paragraph formatting in the End-of-Paragraph symbol. You can see this symbol by going to the view options.
Damn not being able to have part of a line full- and part right- justified.
Press the Enter key on your keyboard.
WP5.1 for DOS lets you do this folks! Best wordprocessor yet.
People are complaining here that Word is too hard to learn. Who wants to spend 2 hours trying figure out how to make a table in WP 5.1?
Damn Mr. Clippy.
Delete the Actors directory.
Damn the
Get the Word 97 service pack and set your default save format to Word 95/7. Not too hard, eh?
Damn M$ for having the gall to release an OS that can't reliably hang up a modem w/o crashing (happened 2x to me in the last month).
I've never heard of that, except with an overheated PCMCIA modem. You probably have an IRQ conflict or are using a Winmodem. (which suck even under Windows.)
Your comments make you sound extremely lazy. If you can't make minor settings changes in Word, I doubt you can be bothered with something like Linux.
Office sucks and always has---let's be realistic (Score:1)
I'm not doing anything. But in this office (of about 300 people) we are constantly having to reinstall (be sure to use the identical original CD!) to get back clipart, templates and so forth.
Running around installing Office on 300 machines with a CD sounds like an idjot thing to do. You might want to ask someone what that fat phoneline-looking wire plugged into the back of your computer is for.
It's quite simple to put Office clipart and sample files on a read-only file server share. RTFM. And, if you have VxD-deleting users, run WinNT and make the system directories read only.
What about IE 5? *ducking* (Score:1)
My experience with IE4 and NS4 (And the version 3 of both) is that neither fully supports all websites and I must have both installed to surf everwhere I want to go. This is mostly MS's fault IMHO, MS created Jscript which attempts to be Javascript but causes apps like the NetObjects Fusion BBS to break without some special coding. They also come out with their own version of every standard (Can we say ActiveX?) causing great pain and suffering for netusers all around the world.
Above and beyond the browser war, lets take a look at what MS has done for WYSIWYG HTML writing programs such as Frontpage and the crap exporters they've put into almost all the new products. Frontpage extensions just plain suck. We were running an NT server with IIS and put the Frontpage server extensions on it, wala *CRASH*. That was the point we nuked the NT Server and installed Linux with Apache and dropped support for the Frontpage extensions.
Hell, if MS can't make a product that works well with the world and wants to extend the standards into MSStandards we should all quit using their products.
Linux needs Office like I need an eye on my elbow (Score:1)
Excel innovation (Score:1) request..hehe (Score:1)
Please don't port any Microsoft software to Linux. Thank You.
Hmmm.. telnet :) (Score:1)
250 Hello [], pleased to meet you
vrfy root
vrfy bin
vrfy sync
250 sync
expn root
[root@vapid cgi-bin]# telnet 21
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 FTP server (Version wu-2.4.2-academ[BETA-15](1) Sat Nov 1 03:08:32 EST 1997) ready.
Name ( anonymous
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
Hmmm.. telnet :) (Score:1)
Looks like apache to me.
with a microsoft quick fix "chmod -R 000
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
get http://index.html
403 Forbidden
You don't have permission to access http://index.html
on this server.
Connection closed by foreign host.
Unix Hatred (Score:1)
Office is NECESSARY. (Score:1)
For that, I have to give M$ some credit--as much as I hate Bill Gates, this is one thing that has gained him the respect of the corporate world; he has delivered the needed tools. I do think they could be better, and Linux has the potential to deliver an alternative... But we just don't have one yet. That is why the corporate world seems to love Microsoft so much.
So if anybody wants to help step in and write these things instead of complaining all the time, I think some people (including myself) would appreciate it.
Hmmm... (Score:1)
IIS Linux port. Yeah, thats it...
It's called the fisherman's dilemma (Score:1)
Of course, they _can't_ support Linux. (Score:2)
If Microsoft doesn't want to make a seriously embarassing admission - namely, that there are valuable applications out there for Linux - they can't afford to consider Linux as a development platform, unless they don't consider Office to be an application with a signifigantly large following.
Need Office files, not Office apps (Score:2)
MS BOB (Score:3)