jPDFPreflight, a Java library, is used to verify PDF compliance to different standards including PDF/UA and PDF/A, and to convert documents to these standards.
jPDFPreflight allows you to check compliance with these profiles:
-PDF/UA Verification
-PDF/A-1b Verification
-PDF/A-2b Verification
-PDF/A-2u Verification
-PDF/A-3b Verification
-PDF/X-1a:2001 Verification
-PDF/X-1a:2003 Verification
-PDF/X-3:2002 Verification
-PDF/X-3:2003 Verification (including ZUGFeRD)
jPDFPreflight converts PDF documents to comply with the following profiles.
Convert PDF to PDF/A-1b
Convert PDF to PDF/A-2b
Convert PDF to PDF/A-3b
Verify compliance with PDF documents following several standards
Convert documents to PDF/A compliant
-Produced detailed report of all items that are not compliant
Add annotations to documents to highlight items that are not in compliance
-Works with Windows, Linux, Unix, and Mac OS X (100% Java).