The largest digital marketplace for crypto collectibles, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and other assets. Discover, buy, sell, and discover digital assets such as Axies, ENS numbers, CryptoKitties and Decentraland. True digital ownership is key to creating new economies. OpenSea is the largest marketplace for user-owned digital products. This includes collectibles, gaming items and domain names. It also offers other assets that are backed by blockchain technology. OpenSea is excited about a new type of digital good, often called a non-fungible token or NFT. NFTs offer exciting new properties. They are unique, scarce, liquid, and can be used across multiple applications. You can do what you like with them, just as physical goods. They can be thrown in the trash, given to a friend around the world, or sold on an open market. They are programmable digital assets, which is a big difference from physical goods.
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High-fidelity data can be accessed for all collections, including the trending blue chips and the small alpha projects that are about to explode. tracks more collections that any other tool! provides metrics that are not available elsewhere, such as assets bought below the current floor, assets not sold since mint, and many other insights and analyses. also tracks the whales in every collection, their rarity and the floor prices for each one, as well as the distribution of wallets. Access exclusive metrics such as profit and loss, moving averages, and profits over the last sales. All transactions available from the minting date of each collection. The ranking page gives you an easy way to see the top projects with high transaction volumes.
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The trusted source for Cardano NFT Market data & analysis. We provide tools to support the Cardano community in trading with confidence. Searching by all ignores search parameters, and displays all results. Charts are generated in UTC time zone. Volume charts do not display the current day (UTC). We currently serve sales data from CNFT.IO, Tokhun. As more marketplaces go live, we will be able to provide sales data from them. We are open to integrating sales data from other marketplaces. Please contact us via Discord. CNFT.IO is the primary secondary market for CNFTs that is not available on Discord. Tokhun, a custodial CNFT marketplace, also offers minting services. To make it easy to purchase quickly, they use custodial wallets. If you are an NFT creator and want your project to be listed on the projects statistics page, please contact us on Discord. We will add it as soon as possible. This site is still in development and we plan to continue developing new tools.
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The Tie Terminal
The data terminal is trusted and used by top hedge funds, VC firms as well as OTC desks, OTC desks, prop companies, market makers, institutional professionals, and other professionals. The most complete and fastest news updates in crypto. Reporting on thousands of primary sources and secondary sources. Spot market updates in real-time from the top crypto exchanges. Open-interest, funding, futures, and other data. Four years of point in time sentiment data, built using Twitter's Firehose. Quantified data from TikTok, YouTube and YouTube can be used to identify retail trends before they are reflected in the market. Cross-chain comparison TVL metrics. Data on holdings, ownership distribution, whale movements. Real-time mint tracking is used to identify the most recent projects. Monitoring of NFT market trends, bluechip projects. Funding, web traffic and news. Monitor custodians and exchanges, service providers, miners, funds, and service providers. Receive direct updates from more than five hundred projects and exchanges.
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