We are an online CAD library that has thousands of visitors every day. You can upload your own CAD models. You can upload CAD models for free to help the CAD community. Or, you can sell your CAD model to make money. Please enter your Paypal email address to sell CAD models. Your store is now open! Now it's time to upload your CAD models. Upload your CAD models. We accept most CAD files, including DWG, DXF and 3DS MAX. Solidworks, MAYA, Solidworks and IPT. You can also add a description of your CAD model. The website will display your CAD model more easily if you provide more information. Once your CAD model has been saved, it will be added into the library. When your item sells, you will be notified. We send payment at each month's beginning. (See below for the payment terms). You must have a PayPal account to be able sell with us. We have more than 7000 visitors each day, and this number keeps growing!