The first interoperable Layer 1 (NFTs) NFT launchpad, NFT market place, community-owned, zero-gas, carbon neutral (proof of-stake), secured with 100+ validators. Programmable via CosmWasm. Interoperable via Cosmos IBC. Ethereum interoperability via Gravity bridge. A set of command-line tools is used to set up your project for minting. You can start by cloning a repository and then replacing it with your project content. Stargaze's contract sg721 allows off-chain metadata storage. We recommend IPFS as a decentralized storage option. Stargaze NFT metadata follows OpenSea metadata standards. You can create directories to store images and metadata and then compile them into an IPFS CAR (Content Addressable ARchive) file that you can upload. Once you have the CID for metadata, set it as your base URL in the contract. This allows the contract to associate each token ID with a unique token URI, without the need to send a list.