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Journal Little Brother's Journal: Politics; frustrations of being different 21

I'm having a lot of problems trying to find like minds. Unlike so many out there I don't get my views from a party platform, thus my views on some subjects are classified as 'liberal' other views are 'conservitive.' Here's a little detail; I think you will understand why I have such problem finding people who agree with me.

I am:

  • A Neopagan
  • A beleiver in christ
  • An agnostic (in the sense I believe it is impossible to know for certain)
  • A beleiver in evolution
  • A beliver that $Diety used evolution to get life here
  • Anti Pseudo-Capitalism (US's current economic system)
  • Pro individualism
  • Pro Government Social Programs
  • Pro Tax
  • Pro Right To Privacy
  • Pro Space Exploration
  • Closer to a supporter of the palistanian cause than the Israli
  • Pro Charity
  • in favor of the illegalization of private schools (don't abolish the schools, just make them public)
  • pro education spending
  • Anti-mandatory education after eighth grade. (If they really don't want to be there, they won't get much out of it anyway)
  • Pro Welfare
  • Angainst immigration restrictions (100%)
  • Against premarital sex (for myself at least)
  • Pro Life when it comes to abortions
  • Pro Life when it comes to capitol punishment
  • In favor of stem-cell research
  • Against Gun Control
  • Against abridgments of freedom of speech
  • Against abridgments of all those other rights too.
  • In favor of extreme separation of church and state
  • not against corporal punishment in home or schools (note, not for it either, I think it can be done without, but I don't think it is abuse either, or worse than any other punishment for that matter)
  • in favor of lowering the age of legal adulthood (or better yet, make it based on something more relevant than age)
  • In favor of major election finance reform
  • Against G.W. Bush
  • Not a huge fan of Kerry, either
  • Pro Obama
  • In favor of socialized medicine
  • A bunch of other things I forgot to mention
  • (EDIT: Late addition to list) a poor speller

Some of this may be contradictory (say so if you think so and I'll try to explain) but I think some things here, most notably being pro life in both situations, is consistent, why does nobody else?

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Politics; frustrations of being different

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  • All private schools?

    Harvard? We should illegalize Harvard?
    • Either that or make sure that everyone has equal oppertunity to attend. As it is private schools, ESPECIALY Harvard, serve the primary function of furthering and maintining the split between the classes. People educated at Ivy Legue schools are not more capable than those educated at the better public schools, but due to the artificial prestigue of private school systems their graduates make significantly more money than public school graduates. The difference between people going into the Ivy Legue and
      • artificial prestige of private school systems

        Artificial how?
        • Someone with equal intellagance, demonstratably so, that graduated from a less expensive college would be given less status than someone who demonstrated the same ability level from an Ivy Legue School.

          Perhaps artificial isn't the right word, but I can't think of a better one.

          • Cost isn't what differentiates a prestigious private school from a shitty one. So no, you are completely wrong. But whatever. I'll post more later.
            • Cost is what differentiates a good private school from a good public one though, not the quality of the education.

              And it is generaly what differentiates a poor public school from a poor private one, the poor private schools having a half-notch more prestigue than the (often better) poor public schools. (Assuming both managed to get accredidation, not talking about pseudoschools here)

              • No. You are ignoring reality. If a graduate of UVA and a graduate of Lewis & Clark apply to my company, we will apply exactly the correct weight to both of their diplomas: Neither will matter more than their qualifications & interview.

                No. Cost comparison doesn't work between private schools. An expensive private school is not necessarily prestigious. Knox College is expensive. Ever heard of it? Do you think they'd get hired over a Berkeley grad?

                You haven't said a single thing in this discussion th
      • I'm sorry, I didn't get through the rest of your list 'cause that one thing threw me so much. Some of your other points are more absurd, but not much.

        How can you be for free speech but against private schools? You realize that is the same thing as private speech, right? You would like to prevent people from giving instructional speech to each other of their own free will. That is completely idiotic.

        I mean, if you'd like to illegalize private property & freedom of association, & etc, then it is at
        • First of all, not that I'm sure at this point it matters, my origional post I was mostly thinking about primary and secondary education (through high school). The rationale is the same although some details differ.

          Perhaps It would have been better to say I support free education of the best quality for all, and equal oppertunity therefrom, and that I think the illegalization of for-profit private school would help accomplish this goal. I have problems with the elitism that is bred in the private school

          • Making sure their own darling gets the same education as everyone else is the quickest way to remedy the problem.

            It is also counter to the freedom of speech and association. I disagree with a bunch of your individual points, but really the essential thing is that your prohibition violates every concept I have of freedom. You don't seem to address that in this post.

            Why would you want to grant government that power over your life? Are there things that you would like to learn about that are not in the gove
            • Purly vocational education would not need to be deprivitized, as the intrests of the employers would be to make the workers as efficient as possible, which is also in the employers' best intrest. Information on workers rights etc. should still be publicly run.

              No, illegalization of private schools in no way restricts the freedom of speech! It restricts what you can charge money for, not what you can say. Saying that abolishing private schools restricts freedom of speech is like saying that outlawing vi

              • You are drastically reducing your credibility here. You have no inalienable right to fight crime. You have an inalienable right to communication. By saying "If you want to teach, you can still join the teaching force (government controlled)" you are denying that.

                To pick a famous example, I would like to teach people about evolution. I would not like public schools to teach people that creationism is a valid scientific theory. Other people feel the opposite way. Please ignore, for a moment, which view is co
  • Pro Life when it comes to abortions
    Pro Life when it comes to capital punishment


    Some of this may be contradictory (say so if you think so and I'll try to explain) but I think some things here, most notably being pro life in both situations, is consistant, why does nobody else?

    That's also the position of the Catholic Church, afaik.

    Since we're already arguing... are there any cases in which you believe a mother should be able to choose whether to carry her pregnancy to term?

    • Before answering your questions, let me say that I think the same bill that illegalizes abortion should provide free and readily available birth control in multiple forms, and provide education for the use thereof.

      If genetic tests show that the baby WILL be horribly defected to the point that it will not live past infancy I see no reason to cary it to term. In the case of less serrious birth defects I really don't feel comforatable either way, so I wouldn't object to the abortion, nor would I claim it was

      • Are there any situations in which taking the life of an adult is acceptable? For example, if you have been kidnapped by someone that will not harm you physically. Should you attempt escape and kill them in the process, should you be tried for murder?

Anyone can make an omelet with eggs. The trick is to make one with none.
