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Journal macrealist's Journal: Cringley's scarying me 3

This isn't supposed to happen. I read Cringley to laugh or think about technology, not imagine thousands of unarmed Iranian kids charging a heavily armed Iraqi line in an attempt to demoralize the Iraqi's.

If you haven't read it, look it over. It will give you a new perspective on the Iran nuke situation.

Now, I know Cringley probably isn't the best source of news like this and his report on a single incident during a war over a decade ago can be called propaganda by some, but do you really think he made this up? I don't. And it scares the hell out of me because thousands of kids charging an American line would be demoralizing. And any nation with families willing to sacrifice their children's lifes for religion is not going to react well to an Evangelical American government telling it where it should stuff its nukes.
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Cringley's scarying me

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  • Iran is needless to say former Persia. There are three reasons why America won't attack Iran. The first. -Iranians are not Arabian descents. They are one of Indo-European Peoples. I mean they are racially more close to Europeans. They are not Semites. The second. -They liberated Jews under Babylonian Capture and allowed them to go back to Jerusalem and again allowed to build a palace once burned by the fire of Nebkadenezaar, King of Babylonia, at the downfall of the Holy Land. So Jews were very appreciat
    • So do you believe that Israel has that much influence on US foreign policy? Do you see the US as a tool of Israel?

      I hope it not true, but it is disturbing that the US may be seen like this.

      • It might be a little bit disturbing, though, it is true that Israel is affecting US policy making decision very much. Britain gave both Palestinian and Israelites guaranty to build their own country at the same place. Israel realised their dream in the Promised Land. But their Promised Land was not only Palestina. Their land lies from Mesopotamia to Palestina. The land right now they form is just a part of it. Remember Abraham came from Ur, centre of Mesopotamia. So they inevitably hope they will expand th

Work is the crab grass in the lawn of life. -- Schulz
