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Journal BlackBolt's Journal: Slashcode Redux... Slashdot Fixed? Somewhat? 3

Just a quick note to all my fellow "Suffering Slashdotters" (not to rip off a Sylvester the cat saying), but I've noticed brief glimpses of greatness here on Slashdot, both last night and today (No, it's not the "iTunes on Windows story, part 6"). Instead of getting one of the great selection of error messages I've recently been getting, I occasionally get -- blinding speed. I can't explain it, but a few pages have loaded at least twice as fast as the old, non-broken Slashdot! Wow.

If this keeps up, I'm gonna have to apologize to someone. If you have any ideas who, please tell me. I'm sure I've offended someone.

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Slashcode Redux... Slashdot Fixed? Somewhat?

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