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Journal VonGuard's Journal: Belladona Family, Angel's Trumpet

So I ran into this by way of an IRC posting. Kinda trippy, no pun intended.

Of course, being a halucenogenic voyeer, I had to read up on the subject. I headed over to errowid and found a bunch of frightening reports; take a ,a href="http://www.erowid.org/plants/brugmansia/brugmansia.shtml">look at these.

But it's nothing compared to This report from a father dumb enough to take the drug while his children were at home. Fucking retard.

Absolutely stupid! Why in the world would you ever do a drug without first researching the proper dosage and precautions? This is why I don't do halucinogens. I had every opportunity in the world to go way off into the brainscape with my old roommate who was a professional brain cosmonaut, but I never wanted to. Esspecially when he was all about DMT.

Oh well, some people will do just about anything to escape reality. Even if it means you'll become uncontrollably violent and bash yourself into walls and plate glass windows.

I think the belladonna family of plants are designed to make animals wander off in a fog and forget that they ever encountered the plant in the first plcae. Perhaps not the best way to keep things from eating you, but certainly an effective way of keeping them off for at least a little while.

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Belladona Family, Angel's Trumpet

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