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The 2000 Beanies

Journal Cock Cockwood's Journal: Trolltalk sucks because of you, Vladinator. 1

You pile of scum! You dastardly bastard! You represent everything which is socially unacceptable! You condemn the real proletariat, yet you have been unemployed for months! You're the ugliest self- consoling perpetual victim ever to have existed! If you lived in the lovely city of Montréal, you'd be part of the 14% unemployed demographic! You sack of rotting filth! Your business performs so poorly that you claim to be unemployed rather than self-employed. What a heaping mass of gelatin and hot gas! In the United States Navy for eight years? What happened to those tax-wages, you walking vagina? Did you spend it all on pornographic video tapes, cigarettes and cheap blended scotch? You skidmark on the whitey- tighties of society! Nothing's your fault, is it? Human paraquat! You're a diseased waste-basket! You have an overweight wife and son to take care of! Double shifts, delivering pizzas, stocking shelves, cashiering, attending a gas station, driving trucks, construction, plumbing. All 'beneath' you. Scumbag. In retrospect, the latter three occupations clearly require more skill than you're capable. Should you actually strive for such professions, your despicable attitude and attention span will make that nearly impossible. Find X if X + 5 = 13. You don't know, do you, dipshit? I pity Marticock, he's been brought into the world by leeches disguised as people. Welfare-collecting socialist trash. May he be spared the suffering and succumb to cradle death. He'd be blessed to be afflicted with SIDS.
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Trolltalk sucks because of you, Vladinator.

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Work is the crab grass in the lawn of life. -- Schulz
